Ch 1 - Pairing Up

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{Arthit's POV}

Arthit glances at his phone for what feels like the 100th time in the past hour. It's early afternoon and he still has one more class to go so he's on borrowed time. The game is loaded up and his character is listed as AFK while he anxiously awaits for his friend to come online. He needs to ask him to partner up for the new content that's being released in a few days as the rest of his friends ditched him. Knot has partnered with Prem, supposedly because their "characters balanced each other the best" or at least that's the argument they used when he asked them about pairing up. While Bright decided that Tutah was his best chance solely on the fact that Tutah never argued with him so he always got to make the calls. However, that meant that Arthit was now left without a partner.

SOTUS was a MMORPG that released over the summer and the game's graphics were quite stunning for a mobile game. His group of friends have been grinding it every day since it released, getting rare legendary gear and leveling their characters as fast as possible. In a few months, there is going to be a competition worth a total of 100k and they want that reward money to help their parents pay for tuition. It was for the group that completed the game's most difficult dungeon in the fastest time during the competition period.

His guild is one of the top guilds on their server and they have a good chance of getting the prize, but only if they can get the special gear from these new upcoming quests. There are hundreds of players on his server that want into their guild I.E.G. but as guild leader, Arthit is very selective in accepting members. He and his fellow leadership members evaluate the ranking of the player, the playstyle as well as the need for that specific role before they accept anyone.

He probably could have picked anyone from his guild but there's only one that fits his playstyle the best and was the most fun to team up with. As long as that person hasn't already picked a partner, Arthit doesn't mind getting ditched by his friends.

He hears a bing from his phone and he grabs for it, almost dropping it in his excitement.

[-CoffeePrince has come online-]

[PinkMilkMonster: IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!! 😤😤]

[CoffeePrince: So excited to see me P'. I'm honored 😁]

This guy, I tell ya. Always got to flirt with everyone. Though....

Arthit pauses in his musing, not actually sure if he's actually ever seen CoffeePrince flirt with anyone but him. He just always assumed that based on his personality, that it was a common practice. It always amuses him when his online friend talks like that though as it definitely lightens his mood when he's stressing over a raid gone wrong or he's had a bad day. He'll never admit that to anyone, even upon threat of death. He will deny it till he's blue in the face.

[PinkMilkMonster: Shut it. Need 2 ask u sumthin. Cant wait]

[CoffeePrince: Always at your service ^.^]

[PinkMilkMonster: Have you found a partner for the new quests? I still need 1]

[CoffeePrince: Can I take this as you are asking me out on a date? 🙏🙌]

[PinkMilkMonster: NO WAY! 🤬]

[CoffeePrince: You know P'...when you react like that.....]

[CoffeePrince: .....I think it's kind of cute 😍]

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