Ch 24 - Love Game

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A/N: I know this chapter has been a long time in coming and I'm sorry for the wait. I was feeling very inspired by my other fic and then I got majorly stuck on writing this chapter. Thank you to the two authors that helped pull me out of the slump with their advice. I wouldn't have gotten this done without your help! I thought about tagging you but sometimes people like to help under the radar. 😊😊

CHAPTER SONG INSPIRATION: This is Nai's current theme song, just replace "her" with "him". 🤣


{Kongpob POV}

It's the final day for Kongpob to serve as P'Nai's "servant" and he's glad it is almost over, especially now that he knows that man's intentions towards his P'Arthit. While he's pretty confident that his senior has no feelings in that regard towards the head hazer, especially when he considers their standing date this Saturday, it still never hurts to be wary of his competition and what tricks they may pull.

His instincts are proven correct when he gets a call early that morning from P'Nai, ordering him to deliver breakfast to Arthit. It would seem that the head hazer has chosen today as the day he starts his little love game.


"You're not allowed to say no. Contract, remember?"

"I don't care. Punish me if you want. But I'm not going to help you woo my P'Arthit."

"What if I was willing to let you off the hook early from the contract if you do it?"

"Not even then."

"Hmm...interesting. Plan B then."

Before Kongpob can ask what he means by that, the other person on the line hangs up. There is no way he will help that man, though he worries about what this 'Plan B' might be. He's not sure if he should warn P' about the head hazer's plans as he will surely come across as jealous, angering the senior. Yet to say nothing seems like the wrong choice as well. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

Making a gut decision, Kong picks up his phone and sends a text.

☕👑 (8:20am) Good morning P'! 🌅

P'🥛 (8:20am) morn' kong

☕👑 (8:21am) Can we meet up later tonight? I need to talk to you.

P'🥛 (8:21am) y not now?

☕👑 (8:22am) I have class and P'Nai still has me until 7pm because of your bet 😤

P'🥛 (8:23am) oh yeah. i forgot about that 😅

☕👑 (8:23am) So tonight? I'll grab us dinner.

P'🥛 (8:24am) sure. txt me when ur free.

Kongpob isn't sure how the conversation will go tonight but this doesn't seem like something he should keep quiet about. It'll only be worse if he says nothing and it comes out later that he knew all along what P'Nai was up to. Plus this will be like a pre-date before Saturday and with any luck, maybe he can steal another kiss....or two.

Feeling better about his decision, Kongpob heads off to class for the day and doesn't think much about the fact that he doesn't hear from the head hazer until he gets to the freshman activities that afternoon. It's then that he realizes that after the phone call this morning, the older male never reached out to him again. It makes him nervous when he remembers the brief mention of Plan B but there's only a few hours left before the contract terminates so he doesn't think much can happen in that short period of time.

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