Ch 21 - Green-Eyed Monster

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A/N: Please note that I make several zombie references in my stories because I honestly love just 'em. I even collect zombie items such as figurines, clothing, a cookie jar, coffee mug, etc. So yeah, be prepared for references to pop up all the time.



{Arthit POV}

After asking the junior out for a date next weekend, Arthit is too embarrassed to make him play slave that day. Besides, he doesn't have anything planned for him to do anyways. He originally was just going to make him come over and play the entire weekend while getting him food but after their talk yesterday, Arthit feels it is good to take a day away from each other.

However, next Saturday is still a week away and Kongpob is still under his slave contract for the 2 weeks. Not one to let a good opportunity pass him by, Arthit still plans on making the junior go through with it till the end. In fact, he hopes Kongpob won't be too mad at him after what he has planned for this week to not want to go on Saturday. 

In the meantime, Sunday turns into a lazy day for Arthit and he is perfectly fine with that. The last few days have been stressful and exciting enough that he didn't need any additional drama. Arthit spends the day catching up on homework and then watching a zombie movie marathon. He's in the middle of 'Land of the Dead' when he gets a text message alert. It's not his favorite movie in the series so he picks up his phone to check whose messaging him.

Knot ⚙ (8:47pm) Hey

Arthit ☀ (8:48pm) whats up?

Knot ⚙ (8:48pm) R u getting online tonight? 

Arthit ☀ (8:49pm) nah, watching zombie marathon 

Knot ⚙ (8:49pm) Srsly? THAT'S what's keeping you from playing?! 🤦‍♂️

Arthit ☀ (8:50pm) hey now! don't knock the pull of the zombie.

Arthit ☀ (8:51pm) the idea of a virus bringing the dead back to animation is awesome 🧟‍♂️

Knot ⚙ (8:52pm) How r we even friends???

Arthit ☀ (8:52pm) idk, i ask myself that all the time....zombie-hater......😑

Knot ⚙ (8:53pm) As fascinating as this topic is, I was actually curious if u were maybe avoiding a certain freshman and that's why the disappearing act.

Arthit ☀ (8:54pm) y would i be avoiding him?

Knot ⚙ (8:55pm) I don't know, maybe because of the rumor that u were in bed next to him last night?

Arthit ☀ (8:56pm) WHAT?!?! 

Arthit ☀ (8:56pm) he said that? imma kill him 😡

Arthit ☀ (8:56pm) okay, yes i did invite him to bed

Arthit ☀ (8:57pm) i just didnt think he was comfortable in the chair after all that time

Arthit ☀ (8:57pm) so i let him come to bed while we played since we'd been at it for hours

Arthit ☀ (8:58pm) played the game i mean, nothing weird!!!!

Arthit ☀ (8:58pm) OMG. this sounds bad even to me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️  

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