Ch 28 - Bright Tells All

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A/N: The boss fight I describe is an actually raid in the mobile game "Crusaders of Light". While I'm sure I could've come up with something on my own, I'm lazy af so there you have it. LOL. Anyways, I know I'm late with this update but guess what? Suck it up buttercups because I don't give a damn. 😝 I won't release a chapter if I'm not satisfied with it, not to please readers or to keep to my own set schedule. I write this for myself and not anyone else even though I love you all for being crazy enough to follow this sarcastic evil author. 💖


Gaming Terms Used:

trash - easy monsters that are in the raid before you get to the boss fight but are usually tedious and time-consuming

adds - creatures that adds in a fight, they might buff the boss if not killed or are used to distract players

off-tank - is exactly how it sounds, it's not the main tank but will off take over while the MT (main-tank) is typically affected by debuffs. Most large raids will have 2-3 tanks altogether.

AOE - area of effect, an attack that will hit multiple players within a given area

pulling or agro - getting the attention on an NPC (non-player character), usually to start a battle


{Arthit POV}

[-MrPicturePerfect has come online-]

[-baby_bright has come online-]

Arthit can't help but groan when he notices his two missing friends log on a few minutes later. He should have known that either Tutah or Knot would inform them about the news as soon as it happened. No doubt they are all eager to get their teasing in while they can.

It's not that he didn't intend to tell his friends about the change in his and Kongpob's relationship status but it was so recent and sudden that Arthit was still processing it himself. Not to mention that he never confirmed it officially with Kong until tonight, wanting to keep the upper hand while he can as he's usually on the losing end when it comes to the junior and his puppy eyes.



MrPicturePerfect: sum1 has been keeping secrets 🤐

night123: how the hell did u guys find out so fast?

CallMeUrs: i txted them ofc 😁📱

G34rH34d: Really? Me too!

Mint2Be: Oh that's right! Keep forgetting you all go to the same school 🤦‍♀️

night123: wait...that means u must know who the bf is!

W4dAGuy: you could say that 😝😝

baby_bright: actually every1 here knows the mysterious bf. isn't that right...PM??? 😏🤭

Glaring at Kongpob, Arthit blames the younger male for this fiasco because now, even those they only know from in guild, are aware of their relationship between the two of them. At the rate the younger male is going, he wouldn't be surprised to get a call from his own parents having found out from a friend of a friend or from social media.

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