Author's Note

5.5K 132 15

Hello my fellow fanfic fanatics! I'm new to Wattpad but not to fanfiction (thank you tumblr and AO3!). While I have written a fanfic or two before, never written for one that's based in another country with different customs and a potential language barrier, so please forgive any mistakes I might make in my unintended ignorance. I've tried to research honorifics, word usage, etc, to the best of my ability but I will probably screw up at some point. Feel free to KINDLY point them out and I will fix what I can.

As this is a fanfic and not the original content, please note that I will at times be taking creative license with characters, such as maybe having them act slightly different than what you might perceive that they should. This is a work that melds another writer's work with my own so you can't expect the same type of writing style though I do intend to try to keep them as "in-character" as possible.

They say write what you know and what I know are video games so that's where the basis of this story comes from. The style of this story will switch between "normal" writing to in-game chat which will be noticeable by the brackets I will use [ ] and texting chat which will be in bold. I'm a big fan of switching it up, as I feel that it most closely reflects how people interact with the world.

Most of my chapters will probably be only between 1.5k-2k for a few reasons. One, I feel that it best fits the type of story I want to tell. Two, it will be easier for me to upload new chapters faster, especially w/out the pressure of trying to hit a certain word count. Three, because I said so? LOL. 

***11/17/18 Edit - I had a portion here that explained several terms often used when gaming but I took it out as I found that it honestly wasn't really needed. If you know what the basics behind a game like World of Warcraft or what an MMORPG is, then you're set. Even if you don't, most of what I write for the game content is explained well enough in the story to follow along for even non-gamers is what I've been told. 

So....don't worry if you aren't a gamer, you can still enjoy this story!

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