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Catkit woke up. She looked up. (Wow! Everybody needed to know that). She scrambled to her small paws and trotted to the entrance of the nursery. 

          "Catkit! Wait, it's Catkit right?" Morningbreeze said. 

          "Yes," nodded Catkit. 

          "Catkit!" continued Morningbreeze. "Don't go outside. You are too young." 

          "Awww, that's not fair," moaned Catkit. Suddenly, there was a horrible, blood curdling scream and Breezewhisker stumbled into the camp. Forgetting everything, Morningbreeze rushed out and her kits followed her. They were kits which were cats and they were all small. Pawpool spotted them and gaped, wow, the StarClan cats made the prophecy so difficult, they all looked the same. Anyways, Breezewhisker rushed into the clearing, blood pouring everywhere. Pawpool rushed to his side. 

          "What happened?" asked Starstar, rushing into the clearing. 

         "It was Shadowclan! It's always Shadowclan! There were ten of them but I managed to kill nine, then there was a hidden one and he bit me!!!" wailed Breezewhisker. Morningbreeze rushed to her mate's side and licked him on the cheek. 

        "Don't leave meee!" she whispered then made sure nobody was listening. "I can't raise the kits alone." Then, in her head she added I don't even know their names

        "I love you," whispered back Breezewhisker. He took a ragged breath, his last breath and lay still. Morningbreeze cried out in sadness. Catkit felt sad too because he was her father. So she cried too as she was sad. She felt sad and empty and she had such a terrible childhood. By the way, it's almost leaf-bare. 

         "We will honour him," assured Starstar. And there was a vigil bla bla bla. Then Catkit curled up with her sisters and brothers in the nursery and they were all sad too. Teensykit, the weakest of the kits coughed. Catkit rushed out of the clearing. She looked for Pawpool but she wasn't there. 

         "Teensykit coughed!" wailed Catkit. "She might die!" So she rushed to the medicine den, and without knowing anything about herbs and being one day old, she chose the correct herb, catmint, then rushed back to the nursery. Of course, Morningbreeze wasn't there because she was setting vigil and no other cat noticed or heard Catkit. So then Catkit ran into the nursery and just then Teensykit started crying and everybody heard and they all crowded around Teensykit and thought What are we going to do? But Catkit was there to rescue the day and she pushed past the crowd and ordered her sister to eat the catmint. So Teensykit ate the catmint and was suddenly ok. So then all the cats cheered and left and Teensykit thanked Catkit for saving her life. 

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