ch. 7

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Catpaw woke up to (wait... what season was it again? Uhhh, let's just say it's green-leaf) the song of birds and the sun shining bright. The day before, she had beaten her childhood bullies and her mentor had said she would become a warrior. So happily, she trotted outside. And Starstar declared she was a warrior without even giving her the final assessment. Anyways, fast forward till the afternoon and now Catpaw is Catfluff. Blackpaw and Sidekickpaw stayed away from Catfluff. Catfluff was happy then bla bla bla and there was a Gathering that night. Starstar was happy and told Catfluff that she would be able to go to her first Gathering! So, that night, she went to her first Gathering. All the Clans gathered and Catfluff looked around then spotted a handsome dark tabby with blue eyes (because it's always blue eyes). He had muscles and he saw her and winked. Then they started to talk and then it was time to go and Catfluff knew she was in love. Except the cat came from ShadowClan and his Clan didn't like her Clan or her because she threw twenty of their warriors into the mountains. So she went back to camp and slept. 

Everyday since then, she met with her ShadowClan mate whose name was Fluffcat. Fluffcat and Catfluff were happy together and one night they met up and twirled their tails around each other and of course there cannot be forbidden love if the cats don't get called out so then Blackpaw comes out of the bushes and is like "EXPOSED!". And then Fluffcat was like oh no and he said one last goodbye to Catfluff and then fled. And Catfluff was like, noooo but then Blackpaw dragged her back to camp and Sidekickpaw appeared out of nowhere. And they walked back to camp. Starstar was really disappointed and he was like "why'd you do that?". Then Pawpool was just like "Oh wait, I forgot to tell you, there's a prophecy about Catfluff saving us all".

         "What do you mean?" Starstar said. 

        "I forgot to tell you, lol lmao sry," said Pawpool. "But there was this prophecy of these glowy StarClan dudes and they told me that Catfluff would save the Clan with blood or something. I sorta forgot OOPS." Pawpool was very forgetful but it was ok because Starstar said that Catfluff could stay in the Clan as she was going to save them so they needed her. And Blackpaw was bent on revenge. So Catfluff went to the warrior's den and slept.  


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