chapter ten

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Catfluff woke up. She went out of the warrior's den. Starstar was fighting Tigerthorn. Everybody watched and tried to help but they couldn't help. And actually, Tigerthorn had tried to kill Starstar that night. So Catfluff went to Pawpool for advice. Pawpool was meditating. 

          "What do you want?" she asked. 

         "What was the prophecy about?" asked Catfluff. 

         "About..., about a cat saving the Clan with blood..., I don't remember alright? If you want to ask someone, go ask those glowy cats," huffed Pawpool. 

         "I tried, they won't answer my dreams. They must be busy," sighed Catfluff. 

          "Yes, busy being dead," agreed Pawpool. Catfluff agreed and trotted into the clearing. The cats were fighting still and she realised what the prophecy meant. She had to save Starstar by fighting Tigerthorn which meant she would hurt him and there would be blood. Lol, she thought, it's easier than I thought. So in the end she didn't really need the prophecy but whatever, she prepared for battle. 

         "What is happening?" asked Greypaw. 

        "Starstar is being betrayed. I am preparing for battle," explained Catfluff. 

        "K," said Greypaw. "I love you. I'm sorry, I should've told you earlier." Catfluff sighed. 

       "Greypaw, I've been seeing another cat," said Catfluff. Greypaw sighed. 

       "Whatdoyoumean?" shouted Greypaw. "I thought we had this connection y'know?"

        "Yeah sorry but I'm seeing a ShadowClan cat, he's super muscly," said Catfluff. 

       "But didn't you throw them all into the mountain?" Greypaw frowned. 

       "Well not all of them," said Catfluff. "Anyways, I gotta go now. K bye." And she left the den and returned outside. The battle was raging. Starstar was growing weaker and Tigerthorn was growing... stronger(?) (nah, he was just growing). Tigerthorn was growing because he was having a growth spurt. Anyways, Catfluff rushed into battle and unsheathed her claws. In slo mo, she leapt into the battle and she gave Tigerthorn a cut on his ear. He cried out in pain and rolled to the ground. A single drop of blood fell to the ground. Tigerthorn lay still, with a tiny cut on his ear. Starstar, stood, panting and tired. Pawpool then trotted into the clearing of cats. 

         "I'm just kidding!" she yelled. "You all got TROLLED! I remembered the prophecy it was: A small kit who is a cat will bring peace to the Clan with blood and LOOK, Tigerthorn had a single drop of blood. The prophecy has been fulfilled. All hail Catfluff!" Catfluff grinned and the cats gathered around her, cheering. Nobody cared about Starstar even if he was injured and nobody cared about Tigerthorn's body. 

          "Thank you, Catfluff," said Starstar, "for saving my life. I appreciate it."

         "No problem dude," assured Catfluff. 

         "K, so now I should like reward you," said Starstar, who was still hurt but whatever. 

        "Um, yes puh-lease," said Catfluff in a bratty way because the author thought it would be fun to suddenly change the MC's personality but oh wait, she was always bratty. K anyways so Starstar went to the HighLedge. 

        "What Clan are we in already?" whispered Starstar to Cowmouse. 

        "I think we're ThunderClan, I'm not sure, we could be WindClan. Should I go check with ShadowClan?" Cowmouse whispered.

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