CH. 3

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Catkit was so excited she couldn't sit. Morningbreeze licked her fur clean. Then Starstar called her up. She trotted to the High Ledge and StarStar told her she was now an apprentice. And of course, her siblings too. 

        "Catpaw!" cried her Clan. "And Minipaw and Tinypaw!" Yay, Catpaw was so happy. So she went to the apprentice den an somehow, some apprentices she had never seen even if they practically lived in the same place, were rude to her.

           "Who are you?" spat a dark tabby tom. 

            "Catpaw," smiled Catpaw nicely. "Who are you?" Of course, Catpaw should have known because if the tabby was an apprentice, he used to be a kit which meant he would have been in the nursery with her for at least one moon. 

            "I am Blackpaw," said the tom proudly. 

            "And I am Sidekickpaw," said the other cat meanly. She had pearly blue fur and looked evil. 

            "Oh no," said Catpaw. "Are you being mean to me?" 

            "Yes we are. You are still a kit to us," said Blackpaw. 

             "Ok," said Catpaw and retreated to her nest. Oh and I forgot to mention but Starstar was her new mentor. And now everybody was jealous of her. 

            "You think you're so good? Just because the leader is your mentor?" hissed Blackpaw. 

             "No, of course not," assured Catpaw. 

            "Oh yes you dooo," said Sidekickpaw. 

           "It's not fair, he should have been my mentor, not yours. You're just a puny little kit," snarled Blackpaw. 

             "No I am not," retorted Catpaw. Then Pawpool poked her head into the apprentice den. She asked the apprentices if they were ok. They said yes. Then Starstar came in and asked Catpaw if she wanted to see the territory. She squealed yes. Then she rushed after him. The scents were different (well duh) and the sights were different and everything was different. Even the feeling. Then she said "Wow it's so big". Because she had never been out in the territory before. Then Starstar said yes and taught her, in one day, how to hunt because she was an awesome apprentice.  So she came back with the biggest vole ever and Blackpaw and Sidekickpaw were even more jealous. Then she returned to the apprentice den, tired. And she slept.

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