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I kept walking until I got into the woods, so far no one could hear my howls. I sit down on the cold grass under the stars my paws hurt, my heart hurt, ugh I'm just so mad. How could he be such a dick!? Ughhhhh!!! As I kept ranting in my head my eyes got more and more heavy soon I laid my head down on the grass and fell asleep curling into a ball as the cold night wind blew my white fur.

* next day

I woke up apparently it rained last night but I was out cold. My head is pounding shouldn't have drank so much, but I guess I better head home. Once I got to the pack house I was greeted by 3 warriors following me and taking me to one very pissed off logan. "Where in gods name have you been?" I'm not in the mood my head hurts and he is pissing me off. "Will you answer me!?" He grabbed my arm and turned me to him "I'm not in the mood! And I didn't know I had to tell someone where I was 24/7, if I'm not mistaken I'm Luna so I'm equal to you SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE A PUP!" I yelled back but he did the one thing I wouldn't expect from my mate. His hand lifted up and smacked me across my face my hand held the red mark on my cheek. "THEN STOP ACTING LIKE A PUP LEXA! IM ALPHA LISTEN TO ME DAMN IT!" A tear threaten to fall. "Yes alpha, May I go to my room?" I asked the tear falls on my cheek. He sighed knowing he fucked up..again. "That's not what ment.." I just looked down and walked to the guest room. I cried for what seemed like hours.
"Dinners ready Luna!" James one of the omegas. I nod "please call me lexa." I say back. "Ok right away." He said shutting the door. I put my hair up and went down to the table. The cook placed the food down and forks in-front of us.

Rlly short but the next one will be long so yeah

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