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Byeongkwan exited the bathroom and headed back to the older's room.

"What the fuck were you doing in there? You were in there for a while"

"uhm I was just.... Spacing out?" the younger replied with an unsure tone.

Sehyoon nodded and gave Byeongkwan a warm smile fuck it, i'm just gonna do this

"Hey uhm Sehyoon can we talk?" The older's smile disappeared, thinking of the possible negative conversation they could have.

Sehyoon nodded, a glint of fear in his eyes.

"Okay fuck how do I put this into words? Well, there was a time not that long ago where everything you did for me started to make my heart flutter, i didn't understand at that time but recently I came to the conclusion that I love you. I just want to tell you that so I don't keep my feelings bottled up. Like you always care for me and I really don't want that to end. I know that you don't feel the same way but I love you so much and you are  so important to me" Byeongkwan looked down, eyes fixated on the ground.

There was a silence and the younger regretted everything.

"Kwannie, you are so clueless" Sehyoon chuckled, making Byeongkwan look up confused.

Not long after, Sehyoon cupped the younger's cheeks and gave him a wide smile.

"The reason I care for you, text you, call you and do anything for you is because I love you, I love you so much. When I kissed you, what did you think I was doing? Doing it for fun? To mess with you? No Byeongkwan, I did it because I love you alright? Don't assume stupid shit like that okay?" Byeongkwan looked Sehyoon in the eyes and his vision started to become blurry, tears slowly forming and flowing down his cheeks. The older's expression softened and moved his thumb to wipe his tears.

"Don't cry Kwannie, please" Sehyoon leaned in and pressed his lips against the other's. Byeongkwan kissed back with a small smile, the two sharing a kiss full of love.

After a short while, they pulled back and exchanged soft smiles.

"I love you, Sehyoon"
"I love you, Byeongkwan"

Hey guys! Thank you so much for supporting this book. I honestly thought this was going to flop but I'm surprised that many actually read and voted on this!

It is a possibility that this book will be my most successful one but I hope you all support the other stories I plan on writing.

Again, Thank you for loving and supporting this book!

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