Chapter Six - Sneak Out

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Opal snuck out that night, after saying good night to James, to see Jalin. He was waiting for her at his house. She knocked on the door and he instantly answered the door. "So, how was church?" Jalin said with a smile as he let her in.

Opal wasn't sure how to respond. Should she lie and say that it was boring, or should she tell him that she actually enjoyed herself. "It's called a youth group meeting, stupid." She said, returning a smile and deciding to avoid his question, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore about it.

It seemed to have work, seeing that Jalin shrugged his shoulders and sat on the couch. "Whatever, man." He said as Opal sat down next to him and he put his arm around her. "So, anything interesting happen there?"

Okay, so he wasn't going to let it go. "It was..." Opal quickly wracked her brain. "It was okay. I mean, it wasn't really like church."

"Well, too bad you won't be back then." Jalin shrugged.

"I won't?" Opal looked at him.

"Why would you? I mean, it was probably just a bunch of kids our age sitting around to talk about stuff pertaining to God, right?" Jalin asked.

It seemed like that is what it would've been if everyone didn't have to practice. But she didn't want to tell Jalin about that. Jalin didn't even know she could sing, and he wasn't about to find out today. "Right."

"Okay then, why go back?" Jalin paused and then chuckled softly. "I know you're not letting them brainwash you."

"No!" Opal defended. "I would never! Jay, you know me. I would never let that happen again." She was legitimately angered by Jalin's accusation; however, she wasn't sure if she was more mad at him accusing her of being brainwashed or the fact that he referred to it as brainwashing. Which is weird, because she was the one who first referred to church as a whole as brainwashing.

"Okay then, because I got a plan for next week." Jalin said with a smile.

"I can't, I promised James I would come back next week." Opal quickly said. She had no problem lying, but she couldn't tell Jalin that she agreed to go back on her own.

"Man! It's like he don't want me around you or some sh-"

"Jalin, dang!! Just let it go! You act like that's the only day we can go on dates!" Opal yelled, rolling her eyes at him. "Acting like a darn child about everything." She mumbled.

"A child? Don't even go there with me. You're the one who does everything your big cousin tells you." Jalin said with a scoff.

"Excuse me?" Opal looked at him as she pulled herself away from him.

"I mean, really. You never stand up to him. You act like he's your dad or something. Why can't you just say no and come with me." Jalin said to her. "If anyone is being a child, it's your behind. At least I can actually say I do what I want."

Before Opal could think, she punched Jalin in the stomach and then stormed towards the door. She couldn't believe he said that to her. She couldn't even believe they were arguing. This never happened before.

"Opal, wait-" Jalin started.

"No, just shut up." Opal snapped. "I could say something that could really hurt your darn feelings, but I'm gonna just keep it to myself and go." She said as she headed out the door, slamming it behind her.

Opal hated to admit it, but her feelings were hurt by what Jalin had said. This usually didn't happen. This wasn't supposed to happen. Jalin was supposed to be the one who made her happy, but all he did tonight was tick her off. She shook off her feelings as she snuck back into her room. She went to her drawers to get her night clothes when her room light suddenly turned on. She mentally cursed at herself. She was caught for the third time within the past few days.

"Opal, it is three in the morning, where have you been?" James said in an angered voice.

"Why are you in my room at three in the morning?" Opal answered back with a question. She really wasn't in the mood for James' chastising tonight.

"Opal, don't start this mess. Where you out with that boy?" James walked closer to her.

Opal looked at him as she grabbed her clothes. "First of all, don't walk up on me like that. Second of all, why do you need to know? I do what I want and go where I want. I am sixteen years old, I'm grown, James. So please get out of my room so that I can change." She said as she folded her arms.

James was visibly frustrated. "Opal, I'm not going to ask again-"

"YES! I WAS!" Opal screamed at him. "Now get OUT!" After having an argument with Jalin, she really just wanted James to leave her alone.

"Opal, you can't keep going out at all hours of the night. Something could happen to you." Opal rolled her eyes as she grabbed a small, green clay plate Jalin made for her with their initials in the middle of it. "And you really don't need to be around that guy, he isn't any good for you." James said.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, JAMES!!" Opal screamed at him once more. "YOU THINK YOU KNOW JALIN, BUT YOU DON'T! AND APPARENTLY, NEITHER DO I! I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR YOU OR YOU TRYING TO BE MY DAD, BECAUSE YOU AREN'T HIM! NOW GET, OUT, OF, MY, ROOM!!!!" She threw the clay plate against the wall in the midst of her yelling at James.

At this point, James knew something was deeply wrong with Opal and it wasn't just that she was caught. "Okay...let's just calm down for a minute and just talk this out Opal." He said softly. He looked in her eyes, her angered, rage-filled eyes. It looked almost like there was a war going on inside of her.

"James, I'm tired and...I just want to be left alone." She said softly as she looked away from him. "Please get out of my room."

James sighed softly. "Can we talk this out in the morning?" He asked. Opal just simply nodded as she sat on her bed. "Okay...goodnight." James said as he exited her room.

Opal didn't know how to deal with all this anger at once. She just sat on her bed for a few minutes before getting dressed for bed. Once she got under her covers, she couldn't even sleep. She just laid there and stared at the ceiling. Soon, tears streamed from her eyes. She just let them fall silently on her pillow. She had never felt so defeated before. That night, she got no sleep.







OMG! I AM SO SORRY! 😓 School, work, my birthday (which was yesterday 😁) all kept me busy among other things. I have been trying for a week to finish this chapter along with things going on in my life. I apologize greatly for the wait. 😬 But, I finally got the sixth chapter here. 😄💪🏾💗 I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I loved writing it. Btw, feel free to give me some feedback if you'd like by messaging me. 😃 I wonder what the next chapter will hold. 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️ Y'all stay blessed out there and I will see you in the next chapter! 😘
Bye for now! 👋🏾💕

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