Chapter Eleven - A Talk On The Southside

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Opal reached her house within about ten minutes, out of breath and exhausted. She banged on the door furiously, hoping James was awake. After a little less than a minute, James quickly opened the door.

"Jalin...went to make a drop...he won't listen to me..." Opal said between gasps for air. "He's going to get killed. He isn't supposed to be over there!"

Jalin had gotten into a fight with someone over on the Southside not long ago. He was told to not come back, which he did anyway and got jumped and nearly killed. It was so bad that it was on the news and most of the surrounding areas knew about it. Him going over there again would be a death sentence. Opal knew this and she knew Jalin knew this so she didn't understand why he would take a drop all the way over there.

James quickly got dressed as Opal was in her thoughts. "Where are you going?" She asked him.

"If I can help it, I'm not going to let that boy go over there to that neighborhood this time of night. That neighborhood is too dangerous. Plus, I remember seeing his face on the news for getting jumped over there. This doesn't sound good and you need to stay here." James said as he grabbed his keys.

"No, I'm going with you." Opal said.

"Opal, I don't have time for this. This is dangerous." James said.

"James, I am gro-"

"YOU ARE NOT GROWN, OPAL!!" James yelled. "You are sixteen!! You live with me, so you are going to stop with this talking back crap, I don't care that I ain't you dad! You stay here!"

Opal didn't know what to say. She was stunned. James has raised his voice, but never like this.

"Just stay here, and if you can try, I know you say you don't believe in God...but if you want things to change for the good, you need to pray, Opal." James said as he rushed out the door, locking it behind him.

Opal heard the sound of James' car's engine start up and then soon fade off into the distance. She went to her room and sat on her bed, lost at what to do.


James sped his way to the Southside. If he remembered correctly, in the back alley by the bar was where most weed drops were made. He pulled up there, not seeing a car there. He wondered if the spot for drops had changed until he saw Jalin's small green car pull up. James hopped out of his car.

Jalin turned off his car and got out, walking closer to James. "I know this drop ain't for you, Pastor Cousin." He said with a laugh.

"Watch it." James said. "Son, what are you doing out here?"

"Handling business." Jalin said. "Opal sent you, didn't she?"

"That's besides the point. Why are you on the Southside? You aren't going to be satisfied until these folks kill your behind, huh?" James said.

"Why are you in my business, bruh? Why did Opal even send you?" Jalin asked back.

"She didn't. I came on my own accord. Jalin, this life ain't all you think it is." James said.

"What?" Jalin looked James up and down. "What you even know about my life? See, there you church people go again, judging people."

"I ain't gotta judge you to know you sell weed, Jalin. And that's not it, especially at your age." James said in a calm tone.

"And you know about selling weed? What you know about it, Pastor Cousin?" Jalin said with a scoff.

"I know enough to know that if you on the Southside, this is where you make the best drops, because this is the part of the Southside where the rappers in the town is. If you go on the Northside, its the most money, but it's so covered with cops, it's like digging gold in a minefield. The Eastside is where you can get the most drops done in one day because everyone and their mama smokes weed over there. Finally, the Westside is a dead zone and it's rare to ever make a drop there." James said with his arms folded.

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