Chapter Fourteen - Youth Sunday

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The next morning, Opal didn't wake up to Gospel music like she did any other Sunday. Instead, she woke up to a knock on her door. She heard the door open and James shook her bed slightly. "Wake up, Opal." He said softly.

"Why no music?" Opal asked as she stretched.

"Because Jalin is here sleeping." James answered as he headed for the room door.

"Here? Why?" Opal asked.

"Long story, Opal. I'll tell you on the way to church." James said as he groggily began getting ready. 

Opal got up and was ready before James. She had her hair straightened, her makeup done, and her clothes on before James was even dressed. She wore a red dress with red heels. She had her hair down with a red hair clip in her hair. She decided to cook breakfast since she was already ready. James smelled bacon and eggs as he was putting on his suit. He finished getting dressed and went down to the kitchen. His mouth dropped when he saw Opal cooking. He was beyond shocked. Opal turned to him and laughed. "Don't say a word or I'm throwing it all away."

James held his hands up and laughed. He then grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something on it. He put it on the counter and then sat down to eat. "Can I just ask a question?" He looked at James.

"I know what you're going to ask." Opal said. "And the answer is...I talked to God last night." Opal said as she faced James. "I got my bible out of the wastebasket and...the rest is history. I just read and prayed until I fell asleep. And now...I've never felt more well rested, on a Sunday at that."

James' mouth dropped in shock. He ran up and hugged Opal. "Wait, are you saying that..."

"Well, I never said the little prayer, but..." Opal shrugged.

"Oh, you don't have to say that prayer, you just have to believe and say you believe." James said.

"Okay, well, yes." Opal said with a wide smile. "I do believe again. I don't plan to stop this time."

James couldn't stop smiling. His years-long prayer had finally been answered. "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you." He kept saying as he continued to hug Opal.

Opal hugged him back. "As thankful as I am too, the food is going to burn." She said, making him let her go. They sat down and ate breakfast and then got ready to go. "What about Jalin?" She asked James.

"I left him the directions if he wanted to come by. I told him last night that if he didn't want to come, to just stay here until we got back. It would be safer that way." James said as he grabbed his keys.

"Okay." Opal said as she looked up the stairs before heading out the door. Her and James got into the car and then drove off to church.


As they pulled up to the church, they saw the majority of the whole youth group outside. James got out and walked up to them. "Don't tell me after all of that practicing, you guys are nervous now." He said with a smile.

"How can we not be? We're running the whole service today. Can we really do this?" Christine said with a sigh.

"We can do all things..." James began.

"...through Christ who strengthens us." The rest of them finish. "But Pastor James, what if we mess up?"

"No one will know unless you let it be known. Just take deep breaths and let God have his way." James said with a smile. "You guys need to be inside in five minutes so you all can start getting ready." He said as he went into the church.

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