Chapter Fifteen - New Faith

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James stopped by the clothing store to get Jalin some clothes. He got him some church clothes, casual school clothes, and clothes to just chill in, along with some pajamas and underwear and shoes.

Once they were home, showered, and changed into some comfortable clothes, they were in the living room, relaxing. Jalin and James kept telling Opal about how she sounded and how they had never seen her like that before. "I been saying you meant to be a minister in someway. I knew I was right." James said with a smile.

Suddenly, there was a hard knock at their door. James got up and answered the door. It was the firefighter from the night before. "Hello, sir. Is the young man here?" The firefighter asked.

"Yes, sir." James answered. Jalin jumped up.

"Please tell me something was left." Jalin said.

"I'm sorry, son...we tried to keep the house up as much as we could. All that's really left is the skeleton of the house. We were able to look through the ruins and find trails of gasoline outside the house leading to the front and back entrances, which points to it being an arson." The firefighter said. "I'm so sorry."

Opal got up and grabbed Jalin's hand. "It'll be okay, baby." She said softly

Jalin nodded. "I know..." He said to Opal. "Thank you for all you did, sir." Jalin said with a smile to the firefighter.

"Do you have an idea of who did this?" The firefighter asked.

"Yes, sir. Can we step outside to talk?" Jalin asked.

The firefighter nodded and the walked outside. A few minutes later, Jalin was walking back into the house, waving the firefighter off.

"Well?" Opal and James asked at the same time.

"Everything is taken cared of." Jalin said.

"Look, you can stay here as long as you need to, Jalin. I don't mind at all, as long as you stay in the guest room and-"

"No problem, sir." Jalin said with a laugh. "I'm glad you said that. While I'm here, I'm going to go around and try to find some work somewhere. I know that this is only the beginning and God is going to bless me before this is all over, at least that's how my grandma always thought. And...I feel like she was right." He said with a smile.

"I'm glad she did. Because God is going to make a way. He always does. We just have faith." James said as he smiled. "I'm just glad God has restored both of you guys' faith. To have this new faith has got to be an amazing feeling. All I can say is thank God."

"Same here. He's the God of a second chance, and I'm glad to be given a second chance. We are going to get through this with God's help." Opal said. "Now, who wants their butt whipped in a video game? James, we haven't played on your Xbox in forever!"







Short, but sweet ending...or is it? You know I have to add an epilogue. Almost done!! This is my longest book and I feel like this is my favorite. I love this story so much, it holds such a special place in my heart. So, I guess I'd better finish this off before I get too tired. Thank you guys again for reading my books. Stay blessed, love y'all, and see you all in the next chapter.

- RoyalThaGoddess

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