Chapter 2

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That afternoon Meryl was spending the day with her kids and husband as planned. Sadly, she was still upset and depressed about the fight with Cher and was a bit distracted. Don didn't want to say anything which Meryl was thankful for but Henry, Louisa, Mamie and Grace picked up on their mother's mood.

"Mom, are you ok?" Henry asked concerned but Meryl didn't seem to listen, she was playing with her dinner.

"She had a fight with a friend yesterday, she will be alright" Don assured them

"Which friend? I'm sure you can fix it" Louisa said tapping Meryl on the shoulder which caused her to look up.

"What?" She asked when seeing everyone looking at her

"Mom we're worried about you, your too distracted, who was your fight with?" Grace said

"It's nothing, just had a stupid argument with Cher yesterday. You know that we're friends, friends argue. I know your all grown up but you wouldn't understand" Meryl said

The three looked at each other "Try us" they all said in unison. This intrigued both Meryl and Don

"We said some things to each other that hurt, she said I'm too scared to admit... an issue then some other thing and I got angry.." she couldn't continue because she started crying but the kids understood and were instantly by their mother's side.

"Listen, you have all five of us standing by your side always. We will defend you against anybody who attacks. Being the most respected actresses in the business, You should't be afraid to show who you are, or who you love" Mamie said smiling. Don and Meryl looked shocked at their children who were staring at them each grinning.

"You know? Since when?" Meryl asked

"Yeah we know, you two are obvious. 10 years now since finding out. With the way you look at each other I'm surprised nobody else notices" Henry said

"Why didn't you say anything? to me at least" Don asked still dumbstruck

"We figured you wanted everything to be kept secret so we respected that" Grace said

"And your ok with me and Cher?" Meryl asked

"Of course we are, if she makes you happy then that is what matters to us. Nobody else's opinion matters but your own and how you feel about each other" Louisa said "like we said, we support you and will defend you in every way... that goes for Cher as well"

"I have the most wonderful children a mother can ask for. I love you" they all hugged

"So what are you going to do now? Are you coming out?" Mamie asked

"I don't know kids, it will be hard"

"Everything is hard at some point but you have us to keep you standing sweetheart. It will go away in time" Don assured "The important thing is to show Cher that you love her"

"I do love her, she is everything to me. Next to you four of course" she said looking at her kids "though i'm still upset about what she said, she doubted my love for her and that hurts"

"Sure Cher didn't mean to say that, she adores you. Together you have been through a lot and she has stood my your side despite the difficulties. I could have asked for divorce the minute you told me you were in love with a woman but I didn't because I love you and wanted to see you happy. Even if it was not with me. So I helped and i'm not going to let it be in vain"

"Wow dad, never thought we hear you say that" Henry said

"We'll see what happens tomorrow" Meryl said and sighed

The next day Cher walked on set eager to work for the Mamma Mia sequel although nervous because everyone already knew each other from the first one. Andy Garcia and herself were the new editions to the movie and the old cast was thrilled to have them, specially have such an icon on set. At the same time Cher was terrified of facing Meryl after their argument and was not sure if her plan to gaine forgiveness was the right thing to do know Meryl's fear of coming out. Cher spend the day with the cast getting to know them, laughing and talking. It was time to shoot the scene where Ruby and her lover reunite and sang the ABBA song "Fernando", she was nervous but could handle it.

Meryl arrived to the set and saw the entire cast and crew gathered. When she got closer, saw Cher on the terrace singing like an angel.

Standing next to the director Ol Parker he whispered "She looks stunning"

"Yes she does" Meryl said without him hearing or getting her eyes off Cher. She thought how much she loves that beautiful woman and how grateful they were to have each other. She decided that enough was enough and their happiness was more important. Although she still was not going to let Cher down so easy.

When Cher finished her song, everyone cheered and she went down to Ol to see how did she do.

"That was amazing as always Cher" The director said

"Oh it was nothing, I was so nervous don't know how I did it"

"You know, Meryl was on the set" Cher's heart skipped a beat "We know you two are good friends"

"Yeah, thank god I didn't know. Would have made me more nervous" Cher said "Hey Ol, can you help me with something?"


At almost the afternoon Meryl was getting her thing. Christine Baranski and Julie Walters walked up to her.

"Hi Mer" Christine said

"Don't tell me your leaving?" Julie asked

"Hi girls, we I was about to. I haven't eaten yet so was about to grab a bite before going to the hotel" she said

"Well we were going to do the same with the rest of the cast are in a private restaurant Ol and Judy reserved for us. We're all going to be there, want to come?" Christine asked. Meryl was tempted but scared since she assumed "All" meant Cher as well, she didn't know if she was ready to face her but at some point it she had to.

"Yes well, Cher said she was going to meet us there" Julie said, 'does she want to see me?' Meryl thought

"Alright I'll go" so they went to eat to the restaurant unaware of what was about to happen, specially Meryl.

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