Chapter 9

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Hiii!!! First, a little warning in the middle of the story. I never had written something like that before so don't know if it will be good. Enjoy and please comment

Meryl woke up on Christmas Eve morning joyful that today Cher was coming home in the afternoon for the holidays. She went to the dining room and had breakfast together with her sister and mother in-law. Later they went shopping together trying to avoid the any press while getting out of the mall. Cher was supposed to be there in about an hour, when the three got in the car Georganne's phone started ringing.

"Hey stupid, Meryl, mom and I were just on our way home to get everything ready for your arrival and for tomorrow" Georganne said. Meryl looked up at her with sparkles in her eyes; she missed her wife very much.

"Hey sis, listen I won't make it home this afternoon, my flight got delayed but will try and be there tonight. I didn't want to call Meryl directly and bumped her out. I don't like it when she's like that" Cher said on the other side. Georganne's facial expression changed which Meryl noticed and suddenly got worried

"I understand, don't worry we'll be waiting for you" Geoganne said "ok bye" she hung up

"Is something wrong?" Meryl asked

"No, well I don't know but Cher said that the flight got delayed and won't be here this afternoon but she will try and be here tonight" she explained

"Oh" said Meryl with a sad face

"Don't worry sweetheart, she'll make it" Georgia reassured her

"I know" she gave a sad smile

For the rest of the day Meryl could not stop worrying about Cher but she knew Cher was thinking about her. Night dropped on the house and Cher still wasn't home, Georgia and Georganne went to bed but Meryl stayed in the living room waiting. Cher opened the front door at around 11:30 carrying her suitcase careful not to wake anybody up. When she passed the living room she smiled at the sight she discovered, Meryl fell asleep resting her head on the sofa armchair with her iPad on her chest. Cher got closer and kneeled beside her, giving her a gentle kiss on her head and caressing her cheek. That made Meryl stirs

Cher whispered "Honey, I'm home" Meryl opened her eyes and saw her

"That is very movie cliché" Meryl joked sleeply

"I know" Cher chuckled and kissed her "What are you doing here and not in bed?"

"I was waiting for you" she answered

"Babe I am so sorry I got home so late" Cher stood up and sat under Meryl's legs "The jet had some stupid problems; I have no idea what..."

"It's not your fault; the important thing is that your here now" Meryl interrupted, got closer to Cher and rested in the crook of her neck. Cher with her arm around Meryl, trembling as her wife started to kiss her neck and hug her tight.

Cher couldn't resist and got on top of her, between her legs and kissed her passionately on the lips. Meryl was getting excited; she pressed Cher against her and started to roam inside her shirt trying to get it out of the way.

Cher stopped her and said "Let's take this to our room" Meryl giggled playfully and nodded

Cher stood up and Meryl jumped ending with her legs around Cher's waist making their way to the bedroom not stopping from kissing each other. As they entered the room, they went straight to bed, Meryl ending on top.

"I haven't seen you in months, you owe me" Meryl said in a very demanding tone while taking of her shirt

"Well let me pay you baby" Cher replied as her breath quickened. She took her own top off and pulled Meryl to her kissing and making her moan.

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