Chapter 21

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"Hi Paulette" said Meryl

"Well what are you waiting for? Get in, this is your home" said Paulette. Once Meryl got in, feeling nervous

"She doesn't know your here, she has been in her room since this morning. Now it's almost lunch and she doesn't want to eat"

"Let me talk to her" Pauly nodded and Meryl went to the bedroom. Meryl got to the room and was stunned by what she saw. Cher was lying in bed with no makeup whatsoever. Hugging a pillow and staring into space, tear tracks showing on her face. Cher looked nothing like herself, it was scary. There didn't seem to be a trace of the Cher everyone knows and loves. No sparkle in her eyes, no energy, not even the spice she has was shown, she seemed empty. Cher didn't even noticed Meryl coming in or the pressure of the bed when she sat at the end. "Oh Cher, what did you do to yourself?" She said softly

As soon as Cher heard that voice, she looked at the source and her eyes lit up. She sat up not believing who was in front of her "Meryl" Meryl gave her a small smile "Your home, you're finally home" she said smiling.

"I'm not sure yet" her smile dropped "Cher, I do not know where you stand. You might feel sorry for hurting me but still want something else" Cher opened her mouth to speak but Meryl stopped her "let me talk first" Cher nodded "In this time apart my head has been spinning around, finding an answer that explains; why did you do what you did?. I keep asking myself if I did something wrong. I wonder if I am not enough or if anything I do is enough. I wonder if I am strong enough to maintain a relationship with you. I ask, what does she have that I don't? What is she doing that I'm not doing? Is she giving you more than I ever gave you in 36 years?. In the days I spent in New York, I kept having nightmares about you and Kathleen together. Every time, I woke up panicking afraid that it had become a reality. I don't know if it has but if you love her then I don't understand why you are with me and not with her since your encounter in 89. I value trust and loyalty in a relationship like gold. The fact that you didn't trust me enough in 1989 to tell me what you did and lied for years breaks my heart, I would have still been mad but would have understood and forgiven you instantly. That trust is broken and I don't know if it can be fixed. You would have to work very hard for ir and to make up for a lot"

Cher looked at Meryl straight in the eyes "I am the most idiotic person that has ever walked this planet. I honestly have no brain in my head  and no excuse for what I did, both times. Although the second time did not go further, I still gave in. I'd say I did it out of lust and only that but you wouldn't believe me so I don't know what I was thinking. I lied to you the first time because I didn't want to put in danger what we have, or had if you don't want me anymore" she lowered her gaze to the sheets "I love you Meryl and Kathleen will never be even half the women that you are. Yeah sure she is adventurous and edgy but she is too reckless, you and me are inmature in our way, we both know that, she is inmature in everyway. You have your own sense of adventure too and I love it but at the same time you are sweet, kind, funny, loyal, helpful, you care for others and you are amazing at sex" they both giggled at the last part "For me, there will be no other woman that can compare to you because in my eyes you are perfect in every way. That is why I married you, because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the perfect women, you. What happened with Kathleen it only did twice and it will never happened again, I give you my honest word. I don't love her, I love you and only want you for the rest of our lives. I would die if you leave this house for good, if you leave me for good" There was a moment of silence in the room where the two women only looked at each other. Suddenly Meryl got closer to Cher, closing the gap between them, she grabbed Cher's face and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. This got Cher's smile to fully return and by instinct, pulled Meryl into her arms and kissed her with more force. Meryl corresponded to the kiss and smiled in between, she was finally home. They were kissing for about 15 minutes then ended up cuddling in bed, looking at each other smiling.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm so so sorry. I swear on the most sacred thing that I won't hurt you again. I love you I love I love you and thank you for coming back." Cher said hugging Meryl

"I will always come back to you. What happened is in the past now and it's not worth mentioning. Even though you made a huge mistake, twice, you never chose her over me and that is something to take into account. Plus, I love you and I can't live without my wife" they both smiled and kissed, then Meryl realized "Oh I almost forgot, you haven't eaten anything" she sniffed her "or showered" they laughed.

"Care to join me?" Cher said playfully. Meryl just pulled her into the shower showing an evil grin which made Cher laugh. They had a playful and exciting sex filled shower for the first time since it all happened. They were happy again.

The couple went straight to the kitchen tumbling because Meryl was hugging Cher from behind. As they entered laughing, they found Georgia making lunch and Georganne and Pauly sat by the counter.

"Hi there, well I'd say you two worked things out" Georganne pointed out happily. They hugged tighter.

Meryl sat on a tall chair and Cher on her lap, they were the same weight so for Meryl she wasn't that heavy.

"I'd say they did more than work things out haha" Pauly teased

"Shut up Paulette!! She's MY wife" Cher retorded, Paulette laughed it out. Meryl looked at Cher proud

"Alright stop arguing and eat something for once" Georgia said handing them plates "I am happy that you're back Meryl and hope it's for good. I know what my daughter did was wrong but I also know she loves you"

"Thank you Georgia, I am here for good, to love Cher as much as she loves me" Meryl said giving Cher a kiss on the back on her shoulder.

That day was spent completely relaxed. Pauly had to go out so there were just Georgia, Georganne, Meryl and Cher. They talked about everything, even about Mamie's upcoming wedding and the new baby. Soon Georgia and Georganne had to go and the house was left just for the couple. They were in the living room, alone, sitting cross-legged, face to face staring into each others eyes with pure love.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Meryl ask smiling

"Because I love you, because I am thankful that you came back, because you forgave me... well are in the process of forgiving me. I look at you because every time I do, it reminds me of how lucky I got when we fell in love for the first time, it reminds me that our love is strong and can overcome anything and never lets me forget that I am blessed that I have a woman by my side who I can come home to and at the same time work together with because we have the same passion, minus the professional singing part, but still we can share everything with each other always. I love that and I love you" Cher leaned in and gave Meryl a sweet but firm kiss.

Meryl was completely stoned by this, Cher had almost never opened her heart like that but today she was doing it to Meryl since she arrived and it sounded so romantic. It felt amazing the effect they had on each other. None of them would change that feeling for anything in the world.
"I feel the same way, even though its still going to take me some time to get over everything, if I ever do. My love for you will never change or that I'm thankful that I get to share my life with the person I truly love. I promise to show that love every day of our lives" Meryl said

Cher raised an eyebrow "Care to show me now?" She said in a seductive voice

Meryl chuckled "Do you ever get tired of it"

Cher leaned to kiss her "Nop, race you to the bedroom" she got up and started running

"Hey!!! You cheated" Meryl whined and went after her

"Come on grandma!!!" Cher shouted still running.

They both laughed and reached the bedroom ending up making love and promising not to let go of each other.

Hi!!!! I'm thinking of making this the last chapter but if you want me to continue then let me know. I hope you have enjoyed reading the story. Thank you for all the comments and votes received and most of all for making ICONIC LOVE #1 on the rankings in the Cher category and still on top. I love you all Xx

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