Chapter 7

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Hi!!! I owe you guys a long chapter after a while so here it is.

Two months have passed since the forced separation in London and now Meryl was in New York, a divorced woman who is on the news of almost every television in America. Worst of all, she was without the person she really loved who was on tour on the other side of the country. Cher had called to check up on her after the papers were signed but she was so busy they didn't have much time. Plus, Cher was giving Meryl time to figure out what she wanted. Don told Meryl to follow Cher on her tour but she was too scared to do so since the press was driving her crazy trying to get close to her to ask questions and she was scared to let out anything regarding the matter. Now, Meryl was staying with her oldest daughter Mamie in her apartment because Don got their house in the divorce which she didn't care. Meryl didn't want to be a burden to her daughter in the state she was in but Mamie loved her mother and didn't mind.

Meryl was sitting in the living room couch in her daughter's apartment pretending to read a book but she was really staring at her cell phone. Cher hadn't called her in three weeks and that made her uneasy. Mamie entered the room, saw her mother and walked up to her sitting in front of her.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Mamie asked

Meryl looked up at her confused "what do you mean? I'm reading a book. Are you kicking me out of your apartment?" she joked

"No mother, first of all you are not reading a book. Second of all, I'm not kicking you out, that is not what I meant. You know I love having you here. You can stay as long as you want. What I meant was that, what are you doing here when you should be with Cher?" Mamie said sweetly to her mother

"She's on tour remember" Meryl pouted

"Oh mom, she came back from Australia days ago; she's in Vegas right now"

"How do you know that?"

"Cher spends a lot of time on twitter" Mamie teased. Meryl giggled

"Sweetheart, it's complicated. I got divorced from your dad, the press is still on my back and I don't want them to be on yours" she said

"So? They will be on your back again when your relationship with Cher goes public and you know we can take care of ourselves. What is important is your happiness and it does not matter what others say" Mamie reminded Meryl

"I know honey, it's just everything it's a bit overwhelming and I don't know..." Meryl retorted

"Mom you're an actress, you're use to be under pressure" Mamie said

"I..." Meryl didn't have any more arguments. She knew her daughter was right but she was nervous.

"Look, it's been two months already and you haven't seen or talked to Cher that much. You have had time to think" Mamie said

"I love her Mamie, at least I'm 100% sure of that. When she proposed to me it was the happiest moment of my life and I said yes without thinking because I love her"

"Then why did you returned the ring?"

"When your father called me to tell me he had filed for divorce, I knew that things were changing and I got scared. Not because of her or the world but because of the life that we were going to begin to live together. It won't be easy" Meryl said

"Change is good mother even when it will be a challenge, that is the fun part and just because you are going to live it different than what you were usually use to it does not mean it will go wrong. Cher loves you and she constantly tells you that she will be by your side every day of your lives" Mamie said

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