Chapter 14

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I felt like this needed to happen before the interview chapter, sorry. Enjoy!! Xx

The days before the Jimmy Kimmel show were very active for the couple. The Gummer children went back home, Meryl and Cher took the time to go with them because Cher had to go to the premiere of her broadway show. They met with Pauly at the airport and on went to see the musical. The paparazzi were following their every move and asking all sorts of questions. One of the reporters went too far on Meryl and Cher almost lost it. Later that tuesday Meryl had an argument with Cher because apparently she had secretly read all the tabloids the magazines had published about her marriage to Don and freaked out. She almost had another panic attack but Cher managed to calm her down before it got worse. Speaking of Don, they hadn't talked in months but when the situation blew she had called him and were going to meet the next day.

Today Meryl was going to see Don, they agreed to meet in a little café they used to go. When they saw each other Meryl was relieved to see Don so calm and relax. They started updating each other on their lives after the divorce and of course talking about the kids.

"I see that you and Cher are the talk of the moment" Don said

"Yeah, it hasn't been easy but I'm trying to focus on the positive side which is more than the negative side fortunately" Meryl said

"That's good"

"Yes" she sighed

Don reached for her hand "It will pass, we knew what was coming"

"I know but the press are printing lies, about me and Cher, about you and me. All you did was be an amazing friend and husband who supported us through our relationship" Meryl started breathing heavy

"Yes and I'm glad I did it because it made you happy in a complicated time" Don started caressing Meryl's hand and that helped her a little "Now look what you've accomplished, you're happy"

"Yes but the press are driving me, I can't believe what their saying" she said in between breaths, she was starting to panic but was unable to feel her legs so couldn't run to the bathroom "Damn it" she scowld, grabbed her phone and dialed Cher. Don gave her a confused look.

"Cher" she gasped. Cher instantly knew Meryl was about to panic

"Are you alone? Did you go to the bathroom?" Cher asked

"No" Meryl gasped again and Cher said to put her on speaker. Luckily they were in an area where there weren't many people around "Done" Don still confuse but now concerned about Meryl's attitude

"Ok, please honey breath. Don can you hear me?" Cher asked. Meryl was taking deep breaths trying her best to calm down

"Yes, what's going on?"

"What did you talk about before she called me?" Cher said sternly

"Well I said to her that in these days things haven't been easy and she started ranting about the tabloids" Don said

"Oh God, seriously? Meryl I keep telling you that we will fix this. Breath please before it gets worse, I don't want you to zone out on Don. Breath, you can do it" Meryl listened and started taking deep breaths again holding onto the table.

"Are you ok?" Don asked reaching out to her once she seemed a little more calm. She nodded

"Did it pass?" She asked Meryl
"I'm fine" Meryl said

"Good, next time do as I say and don't read, hear or talk about things that can start your panic attacks" Cher growled

"You're not my mother" Meryl said angrily

"But I'm your wife and it's my job to take care of you so shut up" Cher retorded "Do you have your medication?"

"I said I'm fine and yes, their in my purse. I don't need them now" Meryl said annoyed

"Good but keep them close, don't do this to me again. It's the 2nd time this week. You either avoid the tabloids before you have a mayor attack or I'm taking you to the doctor"

"Bye Cher" Meryl said

"We are going to talk about this when we get to the hotel" Cher hung up. Meryl covered her face in frustration and Don stared at her.

"Explain" he said

"I have anxiety, I've had it for 18 years now. Don, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was embarrassed" Meryl said

"Meryl you don't have to be, I was your partner and you needed to tell me but I'm glad that Cher does know. Listen to her and don't pay attention to the media" Don said calmly.

"Thank you for always being there for me"

"Anytime" he smiled

They kept talkimg for a while lomger until Meryl had to go. When she got to the hotel, Cher instantly began patronizing her and asking if she was ok.

"Relax already, It's that it makes me furious to hear all that the press are saying" Meryl said sitting at the end of the bed

"I understand, it makes me furious too but you have to learn to handle it so you won't go into panic"

"Yes but you don't have to act like I'm going to die everytime it happends" Cher sighs and sits next to her reaching for her hand

"I know, I'm sorry but since Sunday it's been happening a lot and I get scared. Like I said, it's my job to look after you and because I love you my instincts take over" Cher said

"I love you more" Meryl cupped her hands on Cher's cheeks and gave her a long passionate kiss

The next day was the day of the Jimmy Kimmel show, both women were nervous but excited at the same time. They were already backstage waiting to be called by Jimmy, this time Cher was awfully quiet.

Meryl sat in front of her "Now this isn't you, you ok?"

Cher looked up at her "Yeah I'm just a little nervous, you know it's my first time on Jimmy's show"

"You will do great, I'm nervous too even though it's my second time here. Jimmy does great interviews, were gonna have fun you'll see" Meryl reassured

The director annouced the 5 minute count to them and they went out to be seated. The red light went on and nerves spiked up but they were confident that they could do it.

"And were back and I have two extraordinary guest with me tonight. They made the reveal to their secret relationship on the academy awards last Sunday. It has become the most epic moment in Oscar history. We certainly did not expect it at all. Since then they have been the most talked about couple ever. Ladies and gentlemen, the industries greatess icons, Meryl Streep and Cher!!!!"

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