Chapter 20

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Hi!!! I'm sorry for the delay on the chapters, haven't been feeling well lately. This will be kind of short and boring but I hope you enjoy it. I wanted to catch what they were feeling before anything else happened. Xx

The first days in New York were kind of normal, Meryl helped Mamie to prepare for her wedding since she wanted to get married before giving birth. The other members of the family all gathered to help, even Don. Although, in the night it was not at all easy. Meryl kept having nightmares and woke up having panic attacks, luckily Mamie was able to calm her down before it got worse. This happened for an entire week and it was scary for the poor girl to see her mother like this. Every nightmare was about Cher with Kathy and Meryl ended up crying after panicking. In the mornings she didn't want to talk about the events of the night and just wanted to get on with the day.

In Malibu, Cher was grumpy. She didn't talk to anybody that week either, she was too deppresed. Georgia had come for a visit one day and as soon as she found out what happened, Georgia gave Cher the rant of the century. As expected, that made her even grumpier. Cher knew she messed up, it was annoying that everybody kept reminding her that. Cher missed Meryl but Meryl didn't pick up any of her calls or answer her messages. Georganne kept telling her to give her some time with her kids and to think about things. It was agonizing but Cher knew the Meryl had the right to act the way she did. It still hurt, it hurt that Meryl was not by her side because of her, it hurt that she was the cause of Meryl's pain, it hurt that she felt she couldn't do nothing about it. The thought of Meryl not wanting to see or hear from her ever again was dreadful, or even worse, the thought of Meryl asking for a divorce after almost 8 months of marriage, she couldn't even imagine that. Paullette, Georgia and Georganne tried everything to distract her and make her feel better but it was not easy. Cher was too angry at herself for what happend, she just wanted to be with her wife.

By the second week, preparations for Mamie's wedding were still in motion between everyone working and everything. Meryl's agent had called her for some work but she was unsure she had the energy to. All three of her girls told her it was best she do it, that would serve as distraction, so she agreed. Meryl was still upset with Cher for what happened. Only now, her head was filled with doubts and so many questions. Meryl asked herself, how could Cher do something like this?, was something wrong with her or their relationship?, should she forgive her?. Meryl values loyalty and trust more than anything in a relationship, to have lost those now and with the one she loves it's unbearable.

The third week, both Meryl and Cher were trying to distract themselfs with work. Unfortunately it was not working, they could only think of each other. Cher was to scared to call Meryl because she thought if she did, Meryl would send her away. Meryl was to proud to answer or make the calls to Malibu just for fear of every one of her nightmares being true. By Friday, she left her pride and made the call to Malibu.

"Hello?" The person said

"Hi Georganne, it's Meryl" she said

"Oh Meryl I'm so relieved to hear you after all these weeks. I heard about Mamie, congrats!"

"Thank you, Um. I just called to check..."

"Check on Cher?" Georganne finished

"Um yeah" she said in a low voice

"She is miserable, has been depressed for the first week and raging against everybody for the rest. She misses you but is too scared to call you. She is terrified you will ask for a divorced. You won't, will you?" Georganne said

Meryl felt like she was smacked in the face after hearing those words. Divorcing Cher had never crossed her mind, she wouldn't do it, she loved her to much. There were so many things that needed to be cleared up between them.

"I'm in London right now but I need to talk to her Georganne, I need to see her" Meryl said desperately

"What should I tell her?" Georganne asked

"Nothing, I don't know how things are going to go"

"Ok" They both hung up

Meryl started pacing, thinking about what she was going to say. It was terrifying to think about the asnwers to so many questions she had in her head. She still didn't know if she could forgive Cher, depending on what she had to say. Two days passed and Meryl was on her way to the big Malibu mansion. Anxious of being back, unsure if she will stay or leave again even thought she had all her luggage.
Meryl walked to the front door, took a deep breath and rang the bell.

Pauly opened the door "Meryl?!!!"

Again, I know it's a short and boring chapter but I haven't been feeling well. I'm thinking about ending the story soon, let's see how everything turns out. Xx

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