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[Lance is captured by the gulra and is brought to Zarkon.]

"Sire, we have the blue paladin as prisoner." Hagaar said. The two Gulra soliers threw Lance down on the ground.

"I didn't ask for the blue paladin," Zarkon's voice boomed. "I said I needed the black Lion. Fools. You have brought me someone useless. Come back when you get me the Black Lion with it's paladin. Do what you must to the blue paladin."

"Yes Sire." Hagaar turned and left the room. The two Gulra soldiers picked up Lance and followed Hagaar down the maze of halls. Hagaar walked into a cell room, the soldiers threw Lance into the room. 

"Get me two of my Druids," Hagaar demanded. 

"What are you going to do to me?" Lance yelled.

Hagaar raised her hand and purple electricity sparked and struck Lance; who yelped in pain. "You are not the one asking questions."

Lance groaned when the electricity stopped. His body was burning. When he saw the two Druids walk in, he knew that he was going to die. But he wasn't ready.

Please, save me. Lance thought, thinking of Shiro and his teamates. Please...I'm not ready to die.

"Please...stop..." Lance cried.

"Your quintessence is strong..." Hagaar spoke with realization. "Yes, you would be very useful to me."

"What are you going to do to me?" Lance yelled, but one of the Druids electrocuted him. 

"Silence paladin, you will become a survant of Zarkon." A crooked smile apeared on the witches face. "You will be able to surve me."

"NEVER!" Lance spat.

Hagaar nooded to the two Druids and raised her hands. "After we're done, you will be a loyal survant to me."

Purple electicity zapped Lance, he screamed at the pain. Memories floated through his head. He saw his family on earth, him meeting hunk, being promoted to fighter class, finding the blue lion, catching Allura after she fell from the healing pod. He saw many more. Each memory felt real, it was part of him. But as each memory flew by, it erased itself from his head. Lance felt screamed as each memory was dissapearing, causing a minegrane to form. 

Suddenly, the pain stopped. The minegrane lessened and became a dull headache. Lance tried to search his memories. But they were all gone.

Where am I? Who are they? Who am I?  Lance struggled to remember. He didn't even know his name.

"Who are you?" Lance asked a woman in a purple robe, her white hair flowed down from the hood. "Why am I chained up? Am I a prisoner?!" Lance struggled against the chains.

"I am hagaar. You will soon be mine." An evil smile formed on Hagaar's face.

Lance felt frozen in fear. Something wasn't right. Hagaar's name felt familiar. Was there something he was supposed to do? 

"We'll replace his memories with your expirience," Hagaar spoke to one of the druids. 

The druid nodded and raised his hands with Hagaar and the other druid.

Lighting flew from their fingers. Lance screams, echoed the room. Why is this electicity so familiar? 

Suddenly, memories were entering his mind. He saw a druid being taught how to teleport, use electricity, and other druid things. He saw how the gulra cowering while the druid walked into a room. He saw him attacking aliens when told. He had the memories of the teaching of a druid.

You are now mine, Hagaar's voice rang in Lances head. You are a druid, you surve me and Emperor Zarkon. You are loyal to the gulra empire, Lance.

A/N: Hi. This is my second story I've writen. I think it's pretty decent. I wonder if I should keep writing this idea. Please leave a comment if you think I should continue this idea. And if there is any mistakes in my writing, please let me know. Thank you.

P.S.  If you have any ideas that I could add to this story that would be great! I'll try to encorperate them into the story. Also, please check out the other story I writen.

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