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Lance stood in his room. He was trying to decide what to bring when he leaves. So far, Lance had packed his druid clothes and food and water. It wasn't much but he didn't need a lot of things. The Galra would just take it away once he arrived.

Once Lance had packed all the things he thought he needed. He went to the hangar where they kept all of the ships. Lance opened the door to one of the pods and threw his stuff into the passanger's seat.

He was just about to hop in when he heard footsteps. Lance turned around and saw Hunk and Pidge.

"Lance! What are you doing?" Pidge yelled. 

What are they doing up? Lance wondered. It was one o'clock in the morning. He thought everyone was asleep.

"I'm leaving." Lance mumbled.

"You can't leave!" Hunk exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. But I'm probably better off with the galra."

"Lance, you're the blue paladin!"

Lance hopped into the pod. "Well, you'll just have to find a new one."

"Wait! Lance!" Pidge cried. But Lance shut the pod's door. He pressed several buttons and the engines turned on. Lance grabbed onto the controller and flew the pod out of the hangar.

"Now," Lance murmered. "Where is the nearest Galra fleet?"

Lance pressed several buttons to see where the Galra were. But it wouldn't show up on the screen. 

"Guess I'll just have to try and find them." Lance said. He knew that there was a Galra base close by on a planet...somewhere in this solar system. But he didn't know how long it will take to get to the planet. He wasn't even sure which planet it was.

                                                                                      . . . . 

Lance was starting to drift off. He was far away from the Castle of Lions. But he was tired. Maybe he should take a little break. Just take a quick nap...

No. He had to find that Galra base. The faster he finds it the better. Who knows if the paladins are trying to find him.

Lance had felt guilty leaving Pidge and Hunk. At least they cared. Or someone made them try to convince Lance to stay. Whatever the reason, Lance felt guilty leaving Pidge and Hunk. But only Pidge and Hunk.

Well knowing Hunk he probably dragged Pidge along to help him. Pidge probably didn't care if he had left or not. But she did act like she cared...

"Lance!? What do you thing you're doing?" Someone yelled through the ship's comms.

Lance jumped. He recognized the voice; Allura's. He looked behind him and saw the Castle of Lions trailing him. Why were they chasing him? Didn't they want him to leave?

Lance pressed a button, allowing him to send a comm to them. "I'm leaving Voltron. I'm going back to the Galra like you wanted." 

"You can't just leave!" Allura yelled.

"You're the one who wanted me to leave!" Lance snapped.

He waited for more yelling, but the comm was silent. Lance could faintly hear a stattic. Almost like someone was talking.

"You're the paladin of the blue lion. If you leave, who will fly her?" A new voice, Shiro, asked.

"Allura could try. Or just find another paladin. I'm sure Blue will let Allura fly her." Why couldn't the team accept that Lance was leaving?

I will never let Allura fly me. You are my paladin, Lance. Blue growled in his mind.

Seriously, Blue. I've already left. Just let Allura fly you. Then I'll be on my way. 

Blue hissed. She was not going to let Lance get away.

"Lance, is this because of yesterday? I really didn't mean for you to leave. I'm sorry." Allura said.

"I'm not accepting any apologizes anymore. And besides, you were right. I should just go back to the Galra."

"Lance, I'm sorry. But you can't just go to the Galra. You can't join the enemy!"

"You're the ones who left me. It's your fault that I joined the enemy."

"It's not our fault that you're the weak one." Keith snapped.

Lance hesitated. He didn't know what to say to that. Sure, he was the weak one in the past. But  he wasn't a weak one now. 

"Lance, come back. We can make a compromise or something." Shiro commanded.

"Sorry, but I don't take orders from you anymore. I've made my decision. Just accept it."

Suddenly, Lance was flung out of course. A red light blinked and an alarm blared. What had hit him?

When the ship stopped spinning, Lance saw Blue aiming her cannon at him. 

"What the heck Blue!?" Lance yelled. 

I will not let my paladin go back with the enemy. 

You almost killed me! 

Another shot hit Lance. Blue was going to kill him! 

Come back. my cub.

No! my team doesn't want me! Lance grabbed onto the controls and try to fly away from Blue. Why would no one just let him leave?!

They came after you! Blue fired again barely missing Lance as he dodged it the blast.

I've already made my decision. Why can't you accept my decision?

You are supposed to help defend the universe! Not help destroy it!

Lance was suddenly hit from the side. The red lion had grabbed onto the side of the ship. Lance wasn't able to fly away.

Red flew back into the Castle of Lions and dropped Lance off. When Lance got out of his ship, the team was standing in front of him. They all looked upset.

"You can't just leave like that!" 

"What were you thinking?!"

"You're a palain of Voltron!"

Tired and frustrated, Lance didn't want to deal with the teams criticism. So he entered into the void and went back to his room. There was no way he would be able escape now.

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