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Lance woke up to a blaring alarm. He got up and ran out of his room. 

What is going on? Lance wondered.

Lance ran to the bridge. The team of Voltron was there. The paladins were sitting in chairs and the altean man with the mustache was at the control panel where Lance entered last night. The Altean woman was in the middle of the room. Her hands rested on some pillars. 

Everyone was yelling. The green paladin was pressing several buttons on her keyboard. The Champion was yelling orders. The Altean man was yelling out the ship's status. 

It was chaos. Everyone was afraid. Lance was not used to this. He was used to the serious gulra who worked alone. Everyone followed the Commander. But here, everyone worked together. But it looked like the Champion gave the orders. And so did the Altean woman.

Lance studied the room. No one had noticed he was standing there. Lance suddenly noticed that one of the chairs was empty. There was no paladin sitting in it. Lance took a quick count of the paladins. Four. Only four paladins. Where was the fith one? 

Realization struck Lance like a ton of bricks. They couldn't form Voltron. Only four paladins and five lions. But does that mean that the paladins were telling the truth? Was Lance really a paladin of Voltron?

Lance shook his head. No. He can't be a paladin of Voltron. He's been with the Gulra his whole life. And he had a mission. He couldn't get sidetracked.

"Coran, what's attacking us?" The Altean woman yelled.

The Altean man turned back to her. "It looks like a Gulra fleat!"

"We need to form Voltron!" The red paladin yelled.

At that moment one of the paladins turned around and saw Lance standing in the door way.

"Lance! Guys! We can form Voltron!" The yellow paladin said.

Everyone then turned to Lance. Lance stepped back. "There are only four of you. And there are five lions. You can't form Voltron." Lance smirked.

"You're the fith paladin. How many times do we need to tell you?" The green paladin asked.

The castle shook. Lance fell to his knees from the vibration. 

"We need help now! You need to form Voltron!" The Altean woman yelled.

"I'm not a paladin of Voltron. I'm not going to work with the enemy!" Lance snapped. "Don't tell me what to do! I won't help you fight against the Gulra!"

Do as they say, Lance. Wait for my signal, then you can help sabatage them and we will have Voltron. This is part of the mission. Hagaar's voice rang through Lance's head.

"We need Voltron now! I don't care if Lance won't coroaporate! Get him to form Voltron!" The Altean woman demanded.

The red paladin shoved Lance into a tube. Lance tried to fight back, hoping to make a scene. But only to look like he wasn't coroaporating. 

The floor beneath Lance fell. Lance then had to ride a zipline and a car until he got to the Blue Lion. 

Suprisingly, the Blue Lion welcomed him with joy and compassion. This was unusual to Lance, normally when he walked into a room, he was greated with stone hearted, careless, gulra. But that was just the Gulra way.

Lance got into the Blue Lion. Lance felt the Blue Lion trying to go into his mind. But Lance put up a mental barrier to stop the mechanical beast.

Lance flew the Blue Lion to join the other paladins. Everything felt natural and familiar. And somehow, he knew how to pilot the lion. Even though Lance never flew a thing before, he always wanted to. Lance shook the feelings away. He couldn't deal with those emotions. He had a mission to complete.

"Everyone, get in formation. Form Voltron!" The Champion ordered into the comms. 

Everyone flew into formation. Lance tried to act like he didn't want to do it. And that the lion was controlling everything. 

Forming Voltron was an experience that Lance would never forget. He could feel the bond with the lions and the other paladins coming together to create one big beast. The feeling gave Lance the chills. But it was comforting at the same time.

Fighter ships came out to attack Voltron. But Voltron was much bigger and stronger then the fighter ships. They just squashed the fighter ships like a bug. 

Suddenly, Voltron was thrown off their feet. The ion cannon from a gulra ship had hit them. The pain from the ion cannon seemed to soak into the lion's bond with their paladins. So the paladins felt the ion cannon's blast too. And man, it hurt like heck.

Lance gritted his teeth. When would Hagaar give the signal? He wanted to go home. 

You are home. The Blue Lion purred in Lance's mind.

"This isn't my home. I'm a prisoner here." But I'm not treated like one. Lance thought.

"Watch out!"

"Form sword!"

"We can't hold on forever!" 

"Coran, come in! We need back up!"

"We need a plan!"

"How are we supposed to defeat these many ships?"

"How did they find us?"

"AAAAAARRRGGG!" Lance screamed. All these questions, all these comments, there was no dictatorship. How can one work together or get anything done when no one is doing anything? Lance had to get back to the Gulra. It was impossible to listen to Voltron argue.

Now. Hagaar said in Lance's mind. We are ready. Lure Voltron to the ships.

Lance took a deep breath. Then he pushed a lever forward and one backward. The boosters fired on his lion. Voltron then flew closer to the gulra fleat.

"Lance! What are you doing?"

"We need to get away from the ships!"

"Hunk fire blasters!"

Lance turned of his comms. But suddenly, he was being propelled the other way he wanted to go. Lance pushed the lever more and flew closer to the fleat. 

Behind them, no one noticed the ion cannon fused with druid magic being prepared to fire at Voltron. While Voltron was arguing, Hagaar struck them wit hthe magic beam. 

Voltron went flying. Everyone screamed and yelled. The lions were ripped apart and the bonds shattered. Everyone's lions were offline. 

Lance's head was pounding. He reached up and felt a sticky warm liquied on his scalp. When he looked at his fingers, they were red. 


Lance suddenly felt light headed. But the headache got worse. He couldn't focus or think. His mind was a mess. It was as if his mind had gone through a hurricane. All his memories and thoughts were scattered everywhere. And it only caused pain. It was a relief when Lance soon passed out from the loss of blood.

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