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"Everything will be okay, Lance." A voice said over Lance.

Lance struggled to gain conscience. His head was pounding. What had happened? Suddenly a memory formed. 

Lance and Coran were walking out of the control room while Rover, Pidge's robot, flew in. Lance suddenly lunged for Coran to protect him from the explosion. 

Lance tried to shake the memory away. That wasn't real. It never happened. Or did it?

Another memory formed. This one was when Pidge addmitted that she was a girl.

Lance struggled think. Where did these memories come from? They couldn't be his. If they were he would have remembered them. Were the paladins of Voltron implanting memories into his brain? Was their Altean princess who can do Altean magic doing this?

Another memory formed. Lance was in the blue lion which were in water. Hunk was also in the memory. As the memory replayed. Lance saw himself talking to mermaids. At one poing he wore a jellyfish on his head. Why did he wear a jellyfish on his head? The memory was a little faded.

Suddenly, another presence was in Lance's head. The Blue Lion. 

Get out of my mind! Lance yelled in his mind. 

You are remembering. The Blue Lion responded.

Lance tried to remember every mind blocking technique he had learned as a druid. But somehow the Blue Lion was able to get past every barrier.

Please understand Lance. You are a paladin of Voltron. You know that you're a paladin. How else could you fly me.

The Blue Lion made a good point. But it didn't make sense. Lance had been a druid for almost his whole life. When was he a paladin of Voltron.

Blue mentioned something but Lance zoomed it out. What if Hagaar was lying to me? Did she steal my memories? Like she did to that one prisoner?

The Blue Lion nodded. That witch stole my cub's memories.

But why? What would she need me for? 

While remembering some of his memories, Lance realized that all he did was crack jokes and flirt with girls. Those were not good traits for a paladin in war. 

Your quintessence has always been strong. Stronger than any of the other paladins. Your quintessence is unique. 

So Hagaar only kept me for my quintessence? This is so confusing! If it's true that Hagaar implanted memories, that means that what I thought my life was fake. 

Lance's mind was a mess. He couldn't seperate his memories from when he was a druid and when he was on Earth and a Paladin of Voltron. All his memories, real or not, were mixed together and tossed like a salad.

What I thought was my life is a lie. I actually lived a different life. The paladins were right. I was manipulated.

It's not your fault. Blue tried to comfort Lance, but he was too shocked and confused.

Everything. My life is a lie. It's not real. Do you know what it feels like to know this? 

I do not. But I can feel your emotions through our bond.

I've been brainwashed. Manipulated. I helped the enemy! 

It's not your fault, Lance. You can't blame yourself.

It was my fault that Zarkon found us. I tried to give Voltron to him.

You were being brainwashed. Don't give yourself a hard time. It's not your fault.

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