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Lance sat in his seat at the bridge. It felt so familiar sitting down why the paladins disscussed a new plan. But at the same time it felt so wrong. Lance had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't on a gulra ship. 

Lance silently sat and listened to everyone's thoughts and ideas. It was so very different being here. Everyone worked together. It wasn't like when he was on a gulra ship. Everything was in order and was ran by a Commander. No one argued with the Commander unless if they wanted to be killed. 

"Lance? Are you even listening?" Allura said, she sounded as if she was annoyed. But she looked like she didn't expect anything different.

Lance looked up at here then around his teamates. Everyone had the same expression as Allura. Did they really expect so little from him? "Yeah." 

Lance heard several of his teamates snicker. They all had so little faith in him. 

"Okay Lance, what were we talking about?" Allura put her hands on her lips.

"Oh please. Like he knows." Lance heard someone whisper but he ignored it.

"You were talking about going to this planet under the Gulra's control. The planet has been under the control of the Gulra for over a hundred years. So that means that the Gulra have had plenty of time two evolve. You were all disscussing how to go onto the planet undetected. The planet has sensers before you enter the atmasphere. 

"Then Hunk brought up the idea that we could use eletric pulse things to block the signal. But it would only block the signal for only a couple minutes. After we landed on the planet, you decided that we would just observe the planet before we get involved. But then Keith argued that we should just go in and blast Gulra ships and buildings to free the planet. And that is where we left off."

Lance looked around, satisfied with the suprised faces everyone had. "Next time, don't think so little of me."

No one really knew what to say after that. They sat in silence for a while. Finally, Shiro broke the silence. "Would you like to share your ideas, Lance?"

"Why? You guys seem like you got this covered. What do you need me for?"

"You are a Paladin of Voltron." Hunk pointed out. "You should be included too."

Lance shrugged. "I've already said enough." I don't want to annoy you. 

"Lance, what's wrong with you? You've been acting really...not Lance." Pidge asked.

"Nothing is wrong. I've just realized some mistakes I've made in the past."

"What type of mistakes?" Shiro had a worried look.

"It's nothing important."

"Lance, something is obviously bothering you. We've all noticed you aren't acting like your normal self. And we know it isn't just because of your memories." Allura said.

Lance stood up. Annoyed with this convorsation. "Fine. If you really want to know. I've just noticed when I rememberd stuff that I'm known as the goofball or someone who doesn't take things seriously. And that's not how a soldier should be. Much less a paladin! A soldier in war should take things seriously, know what's going on, and how to act. I couldn't do any of those things before I was taken by the Gulra."

"Is this what you think off yourself?" Allura asked.

"The old me yeah. I'm different okay. I've trained with the Gulra. I know procedures and way of the Gulra. I could have been one of them. And I was for some time."


"Wait, Lance has been with the Gulra. He knows the way Gulra do things! Maybe we could use Lance as, like, our decoy!" Pidge said, interupting Shiro.

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