The battle

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Lance couln't believe he was doing this. After all that torture Allura and the team gave him, he shouldn't have to listen to them. So why? Why was he doing this?

Lance was flying down the the balmeran. 

Why? Why? Why? 

Why was he doing this? Was the only thing Lance could think about. He didn't have to do this. He shouldn't let Allura or the others push him around. He didn't want to do this. But why did he go? Why is he helping them?

They need your help. Blue's voice rang through his mind.

Get. Out. Of. My. Head. GET OUT! Lance tried putting up several barriers in his mind--which caused Lance's headache to get worse.

Lance sighed. Why was he doing this? Was it because the team needed him? Was it because half of him still loved his teammates and would do anything for them?

Probably. Lance thought. He was so messed up. Which was the good side? Voltron? Or the Galra? 

Too bad things aren't black and white. Lance was seriously not helping his headache. 

"AGH!" Lance yelled, startled. He quickly pulled the joystick to avoid crashing into a galra ship. "I need to start paying attention." He mumbled.

Lance maneuver through the Galra ships and other flying debris. Eventually, Lance landed on the Balmera. He quickly turned on his comms as he left his lion.

"Lance! Thank goodness you're here buddy!" Hunk replied almost immediatly. 

Lance was about to speak, but was suddenly being shot at. He quickly took cover behind a rock. "What's the plan?" Lance still couldn't believe he was here. 

Why? Why was he doing this?

"So far just destroy any Galra." Pidge replied.

"The entire Galra fleet is here. Including Zarkon's ship." Hunk added.

"So, we need Voltron?" Lance asked.

"Yes you idiot. We need Voltron. But we're all pretty busy right now!" Keith snapped. 

Lance took a deep breath. Breathe. Just breathe. He told himself. Oh how he did not miss Keith's critizism.

"Lance, just go help some Balmerans. They need our help. We can't form Voltron right now." Shiro commanded.

Lance nodded, then remembering that his team can't see him, he quickly ran to help some Balmerans who were fighting some Galra.

Lance used his druid magic to eletricute the Galra. And it was not on stun. But it was not to kill either. 

"Quick! Go underground! Go where it's safe!" Lance yelled to the Balmerans. 

"We can't. The Galra have invaded the tunnels." One of the Balmerans told him.

Frick. Well, that changes things. "Um, go find others. Help them. I'll try to help some."

The Balmerans nodded before quickly running away. Lance ran the other way to find some more Balmerans to help.

If only I can teleport! Lance thought. Because of his headache and all the stress, Lance didn't think he could teleport properly. You had to stay calm to teleport. Being stressed and the pounding headache Lance wa not calm.

Suddenly, an explosion launched Lance in the opposite direction he wanted to go in. He landed on a pile of rocks and heard a crunch. The air was knocked out of him and pain shot through his wrist. Immediately, Lance knew it was broken.

Things were not working out as planned.

As soon as Lance could breathe again, he hid behind a fallen Galra ship. The explosion caused a deafening ringing in Lance's ears. His headache was starting to turn into a minegrane. And his armor was severly damaged from the explosion. And to add onto it, Lance's wrist was killing him.

He was in a lot of pain.

"Well, look who it is." Someone said above Lance.

Lance recognized the voice almost immediately. But he looked up anyway. A druid stood on top of the Galra ship, his fingers glowing with purple electricity.


A/N:  Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I've had no insperation lately. Until like right now... Sorry the chapter was so short.

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