Druid training

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[Because Lance got his memories taken away, Hagaar implanted fake ones. Lance now thinks he's a druid and is now loyal to the gulra empire. Because of the implanted memories, Lance now has expirience and knows how to do magic.]

Lance woke up in his bedroom. He had a headache from last night. What did I do last night?  Lance couldn't recall what happened.

When Lance got out of bed, he saw his druid robe and mask on a chair. Lance put on the robe but held his mask in his hands. Lance hated the mask. He didn't like how he had to cover his face. But it was required for a druid to wear the mask. 

Lance sighed and put on the mask. Lance walked out of his room on the gulra ship and went to the training deck. The training deck was a place that druids could practice. No gulra came in. They were all terrified of the druids and their magic. 

When Lance walked into the training deck, five druids were practicing. Lance stood and watched for a minute. Something felt wrong Lance realized. Was he supposed to be here? Was there something he forgot?

Suddenly, Lance felt a hand on his shoulder. Lance turned around to see another druid. "Lance, do you want to train?" Lance recognized the voice was Zai's. 

Zai was one of his friends on the ship. Zai was older than Lance by a few years. Lance never really knew Zai. Druids weren't allowed to show themselves to anyone. But Zai was always kind to him and treated him like a friend. Lance still remembered the day they met. They were both brought to hagaar and were told that they had strong quintessence. Intrigued, Hagaar trained them both to be druids. 

"Sure." Lance answered. 

They both walked away from the other druids. "So what do you want to work on first?" Lance asked.

"How about teleporting?"


Lance knew that Zai loved teleporting. He did too. But it took a lot of energy to teleport. After teleporting back to back five times, it tired Lance out. His record is teleporting eight times back to back before passing out. Zai's record is nine.

Lance focused on his quintessence. It was a bright blue color that reminded him of a lion. Lance had no idea why his quintessence reminded him of a lion. He felt his quintessence swirl inside of him, Lance focused more on his quintessence. Gathering it for at least three jumps. Then Lance thought of the place where he wanted to go.

Suddenly, the world went black. Lance was in the void, the place where druids are able to teleport to. It's how they dissapear. They enter the void then come out of the void, causing them to reapear. 

Lance saw the room he was in, it was like he was in the room. But his surounding were transparent. The people he saw were transparent too. Everything was a black color too. 

Lance ran to the spot where he wanted to be when he reapeared. In the void, time stopped. What would seem like minutes in the void would actually be seconds. But if you stayed in the void for too long, you would soon fade away and not exist.

Lance focused on his quintessence again and suddenly, he was out of the void, Unharmed and in the place where he wanted to be.

"Very good Lance!" Zai suddenly dissapeared. 

Lance smiled. He got ready to attack when Zai reapeared.

Suddenly, Lance was zapped with electricity. Fortunately, the electricity wasn't to kill. Only to stun. 

Out of instinct, Lance entered the void and reapeared behind Zai. But Zai was ready for this. He struck Lance again. Causing Lance to stumble backwards. Before Lance touched the ground, He entered the void. 

In the void, Lance saw Zai looking around, ready for an attack. Land was about to reapear. But an idea struck him. What if I attack from above? 

Lance jumped above Zai. Then he reapeared above him. Lance electrocuted Zai, only to stun.

Zai looked up in shock. He was not expecting Lance to attack from above. Quickly, Zai tried to move. But Lance jumped on him, pinning him to the ground. His fingertips were turning purple to electrocute Zai.

"I win." Lance smirked, getting off Zai.

"That was amazing. I was not expecting you to come from above."

"I know."

"Want to go get some Lunch?" 

"Yeah why not." 

Hagaar stood from the viewing room. She watched Lance and Zai walk out of the training room, Chatting. A smile crossed her face. Lance had no idea of his past. Everything was working out as planned.

A/N:  I hope those of you reading this enjoyed the story so far. Please leave comments if I should continue this idea. Please Correct me if I wrote something wrong. I don't like to reread my work after I wrote them. I should really do that... Well thank you for reading this. :) 

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