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The next day, Lance decided to skip breakfast. He wasn't hungry and he didn't want to see his team again. After yesterday, he just wanted to be alone. 

Lance tried to avoid the team for the whole day. Somehow he got lucky and didn't see any of them. Well, Lance saw Hunk and Allura. And sometimes Coran. But they didn't notice him. Which Lance was very greatful for. 

It was almost dinner, which Lance decided to skip and go train instead. He did a couple hours of combat training then decided to work with Blue. Lance's mind was still a mess and wasn't any better. 

"Hey Blue," Lance said as he walked into Blue's hangar. 

My cub. Blue responded sending him a wave of calmness and peace and love.

"Do you wan't to bond more? Or something?" Lance walked into Blue and sat in the pilot's seat.

I can sense that you are trying to avoid your teammates. Is it because of yesterday?

"Kind of. They treated me like crap. They expected so little of me. But that was the old me. After my time with the Gulra, I've realized my mistakes." While Lance was with the Gulra, he was raised differently than he was on earth. He still struggles remember who is family on earth is and where he was raised.

I am sorry Lance. I wish you didn't have to go through this.

"Me too."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Blue fed him some calm feelings that made Lance relax.

"I think what bugged me the most is that now that I know druid magic, the team can now use me. They don't really treat me like a friend anymore. So much has changed in such little time."

Maybe you should tell them how you feel? Blue suggested.

Lance snorted. "I've already tried that. They just ignore me or change the subject."

I am so sorry. I can see why you prefer the Gulra. What is the thing you missed most with the Gulra?

Lance thought for a moment. "The thing I missed the most? I made a friend during my time with the Gulra. His name was Zai. But I never really knew him. Druids weren't allowed to show their faces to eachother. The only on who knew what we looked like was Hagaar."

Blue hissed when Lance mentioned Hagaar. 

"But I really miss the training with the other druids. We had our own training room only for druids. And we would practice all sorts of things like teleporting, using electricity, mind exercises. It was hard work, but it was fun and worth it."

Lance talked with Blue for the next hour. Eventually, Lance left Blue and went to go get some dinner. 

When Lance walked into the kitchen, he wasn't suprised to see no one there. They were all probably too busy doing something.

Lance got a bowl of tonights dinner. It was a soup. The broth was teal and there were little bits of vegetables and meat floating around. Lance heated up the soup and took a sip. The soup was amazing. It reminded Lance of his abuela's homade meals. 

Suddenly, Lance heard footsteps enter the room. Lance turned around and saw Shiro walking towards him.

"Lance, where have you been all day? You missed meals and training. If we are going to defeat the universe we need you to be there training with us." Shiro barked.

"I was training. I trained by myself." 

"Well, you need to train with the team instead. Train by yourself when we have free time."

"Sorry. But I didn't want to be treated like crap. Which is exactly what you are doing right now. Is this really how a leader is supposed to treat his teammates? Soldiers, sure. But you say we are a team. Like we are family. But you sure don't treat me like family or a teammate."

Shiro heasitated. Lance saw the realization sink in while Lance spoke.

"Lance...I'm so sorry. I never realized that I was treating you differently from the others."

Lance turned away from Shiro and took another sip of his soup.

"I'm so sorry Lance. Please forgive me."

Lance shrugged. "Fine."

"So you do forgive me? Lance I feel so sorry."

"I forgive you Shiro. It's in the past. The damage is done. Don't worry." Lance got up and picked up his soup. He really wasn't ready to forgive Shiro yet. But he didn't want Shiro to keep on apologizing. 

Lance walked past Shiro and walked to his room, where he can eat his soup in peace. While Lance walked by Shiro, he saw that Shiro didn't believe that Lance had forgave him. But Lance didn't care. He wasn't ready to talk to his team.

When Lance got to his room, he sat down at his desk and finished the rest of his soup. Tomorrow he would probably need to start training with the team again. But he still wasn't ready to face his teammates.

Soon Lance finished his soup. He then got ready for bed. Lance climbed into his bed and pulled the sheets over him. First five minutes past, then ten, soon thirty, and finally almost two hours had past. Lance still couldn't fall asleep. 

Blue? Lance reached out his mind to Blue. Are you there?

What is wrong my cub?

I can't fall asleep. Can you help me?

In response, Blue filled his mind with peace. And soon Lance was able to fall asleep.

A/N: Thank you @Supersast for the idea of the apologies. I really liked it. Sorry if this chapter was a little rushed. 

Stolen Memoriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें