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"Why would you leave like that?"

"How stupid are you?"

"You could have put us all in jeopardy!"

"What were you thinking?"

"You could have gotten captured!"

"We demand an explanation!"

Lance was being criticized by the team again. How could do this? Why would you do that? Lance shook his head. All this critisism. And the team still wonders why he left.

"I've already given you plenty explinations!" Lance snapped.

The team stopped yelling. "Lance, this was unacceptable." Shiro folded his arms.

Lance scoffed. "How you're treating me is unacceptable."

"How else should we treat you for attempting to escape?" Allura demanded.

"Oh I don't know. How about ask nicely. Don't yell. Don't criticize. Don't bully me!" Lance was shouting now.

"We aren't bulling you." Keith said. 

Lance shook his head. "Maybe in your minds you aren't. I'm done."

Lance turned and started to walk away.

"Lance! Don't you dare walk away! We are not done here!" Allura yelled.

Lance ignored her and kept walking.

He walked past his room, the kitchen, the training deck. He stopped at the door to Blue's hangar. He was about to go in before he remembered what she did yesterday.

Blue was the only one he trusted now. His only friend...

And she betrayed him.

Lance continued walking. 

He continued walking around the castle. He wasn't sure where to go. He wanted somewhere where he could just think. Somewhere where no one would find him.

Lance heard footsteps. He paniced and ducked into a random room. The door shut. When Lance turned around, he found himself in an old storage room. There were a bunch of random objects. Several of them, Lance didn't recognize. 

Lance waited next to the door. He heard the footsteps get closer. Lance stayed silent, his heart was pounding.

The footsteps eventually past. Lance didn't realize that he had been holding his breath until his lungs started to burn.

Instead of going back out into the halls, Lance decided to explore the storage room. So much junk was stored in the small room. 

Lance picked up some objects. They were definintly Altean. Lance put down the Altean object and explored the room some more. 

Eventually, Lance decided to take a break. He didn't go out of the storage room, afraid of being cought. Instead, he sat down on the floor and decided to take a little nap.

                                                                                    . . . . 

Blaring alarms woke Lance up. He sat up groggily. What was happening?

The alarms kept on going. They didn't turn off. Lance started to get up. Were they being attacked? Was it a ship in destress?

Lance slowly walked to the door. He wanted to help. He wanted to know what was happening. But at the same time, Lance didn't want to have to face his team.

So, Lance stayed in the storage room. He stood against the door. If the team needed him, he would be able to help. It was a silly thought, he knew. But he couldn't help himself for thinking it. Part of him hated his team. But the other part of him still cared and wanted to help his team. 

Two minutes... Five minutes... ten minutes had past. The team still didn't need him. But the alarms were still on.

What is happening out there? Lance wondered. Should he help? Or did the team not need him? They would have shut off the alarms by now though.

Whatever, the team didn't need him. They never wanted him. Well... they did come for him when he tried to escape...

Stop. Lance told himself. Stop. The team doesn't care! So stop caring. You're better off with the Galra. 

Was he?

Was Lance better off with the Galra?

Or was he better off with Voltron?

Lance sighed. Where did he belong? Who were his friends? Who were his enemies? 

The Galra did some horrible things to planets and aliens. But were they that bad? At one point, Lance had been loyal to the Galra Empire. Not Zarkon. And the aliens didn't treat Lance all that bad. They just tried to avoid him because he was a druid...

Voltron was trying to save the universe from the Galra. Lance used to believe that the Galra was all bad. But were they? They were under Zarkon's rule. But what if the Gulra Empire wasn't under Zarkon's rule? What if Daibazaal never was destroyed? What if what happened between King Alfor and Zarkon never happened?

A headache started to form. And the blaring alarms didn't help. Frustrated, Lance shot some electricity at a stack of crates, they all went toppling down. Why are the alarms still on? What is going on?

                                                                                          . . . . 

[Team POV]

"That is a lot of Galra." Pidge breathed. 

A bunch of Galra ships were surrounding a balmera. Hunk was looking down because Shay was on the balmera. 

"We have to go save them." Allura said.

"Alright, everyone to their lions." Shiro demanded.

"What about Lance?" Hunk asked.

Everyone paused. "We can do this without him. He'll just mess it up anyway." Keith said.

Several members of the team nodded. The four paladins went into their lions and flew to the balmera to save it. 

"Remember team, the balmera is alive. So we must divert shots away from the balmera."

"We can help from the castle." Allura added. The pillars rose as she put her hands on them.

Very quickly, they were loosing the battle.

"There's too many of them!" Hunk yelled.

"There's no way we can beat them!"

"Keith! Behind you!"

"We need a plan!" 

"We need help!"

"We need Voltron!"

They needed Voltron. They couldn't save the planet without Voltron. And they can't form Voltron without Lance.

                                                                                    . . . . 

Lance was still in the storage room. His headache was getting worse. And the alarms were still going off. 

"Lance," A voice said through the intercomms in the castle. Lance recognized the voice as Allura's. "If you are in the castle, go to your lion. We need your help!"

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