The Lady

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Craig's P.O.V.

So to pass time all I did was watch Red Racer then it was time to get ready to go out with Tricia.

"Are you ready big bro"? She peaked her head from the kitchen while I got up from the living room sofa.

"Yeah, yeah, just make sure you got all your shit" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my blue jacket and my chullo hat.

--Time Skip-- 

We've arrived at the event and all I did was follow Tricia throughout the crowd while she bought whatever the fuck she could get her hands on. I wasn't in the mood but seeing my sister happy made me smile.

"C'mon Craig! Look!"

We went into an alley and she pointed her fingers at a little tent booth with a sign outside that says

"Signs to find out who your soulmate is" Now what kind of fuckery is this

"What? You want to try it"? I raised my eyebrow and asked Tricia who was curious upon the sign.

"Yeah let's try it! Look it also says 2 for the price of 1. I'll pay for it but you have to go in after me"

She tried bargaining with me but I sighed and agreed. She first went into the booth and for what seemed like hours she finally came out smiling

"K, so what did they say?" I asked not really caring

"Well I can't tell you, If I tell you, my chances might not go so well, now you go" She kept her smile. Now I'm curious what they told her.

I went inside the tent and found a lady sitting behind a purple velvet draped cloth table.

"Hello, Craig, take a seat" She calmly greeted me

"Did my sister tell you my name"? I asked, she probably heard it from my sister

"No, but I know why you're here. My name is Lady Lavi" she introduced herself. Hm nice name

"Well of course because of your sign outside" I shrugged

Author's P.O.V.

She didn't say anything but she shuffled a bunch of Tarot cards in her hand. While she did that Craig scanned the room. There were sage incenses burning, a table of crystals such as quartz, rose quartz, amethyst and a whole lot more. 

Some potted plants and herbs were around, candles burning. Craig thought if she wasn't careful, her candles might burn her whole area.

She stopped shuffling and finally laid out the cards neatly in front of him while some small crystals surrounded the cards on the table. Then she began to speak

"Now, Craig, within these days you will notice some signs about some progression about who your soulmate is. I am speaking through the universe and just sending you a message as to regards why you are here"

"Okay, sure, honestly lady I don't believe in this. My sister forced me to go in here" He was straight up with her because it's true

"Everything happens for a reason my dear. I'll let you come again another time if you still are looking for more signs. Don't worry I won't charge"

She pressed down her palms against the cards as if she is meditating

"How do I know if it started"? Craig asked not knowing what to expect

She stopped and smiled "Like I said, look for the signs"

Signs To Find out Who your soulmate IsWhere stories live. Discover now