Beat you up

316 14 12

Craig's P.O.V

What the fuck is happening?!

This can't be happening!!! Tweek

Tweek, his lips are on his. But why?

I crouched down to the ground lower than I already am and felt a heavy pang on my chest.

Tweek is kissing Clyde and it seemed, Tweek is the one who reach out first

I don't understand

This was my chance. My head is spinning so much, I've lost Tweek over because I was being dumb. I looked up and I saw Tweek looking down and Clyde glancing at me

Shit!! He saw me!! Then I saw a slight smirk on his face

Token's P.O.V.

I don't understand what was happening until I saw Clyde looking at Craig and is that a smirk???

I see what's going on yet I still don't know the entire story. Is Clyde trying to make Craig jealous?

I saw Craig got up from where he was crouching with I think tears forming up in his eyes. Before I could do anything he dashed through from where we were hiding and Tweek who was looking at the ground stared at him in shock as if asking himself where he came from


Tweek noticed the tears from his eyes wondering

Within seconds Craig rushed to Clyde and I didn't even see his hands move when Clyde backed up from which it seems the other lad punched him right on the face. 

Tweek didn't understand what was happening and I had to get in the middle to stop both of these but to no avail, Clyde immediately pushed me aside and returned the punched to the other lad.

"Stay back Token this is our fight"! Clyde said without looking at me

"For god sakes guys stop"!  Attempting my second breakout I managed to push the two away from each other when Clyde spoke up

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you where did you even come from"?! Clyde asked Craig who seemed so pissed at what just happened. Clearly Clyde knew Craig was there but acted dumb as if he didn't see him hiding behind the bush

"What are you two doing here I--" Craig didn't know what to say because 'what is he doing here'?

"Where did you even come from I didn't see you"! Tweek sounded pissed

"I-I. Tweek why are you kissing him"?

Tweek couldn't answer but he just looked at Clyde as if he is asking him for help

"We were just making out what's your problem dude"? Clyde retorted 

"But that's not what it loo--" Tweek wanted to say something but he was cut off by Craig

"Really? Tweek? because I saw you kiss Clyde first"! Craig was just so angry and he had so many questions in his head

"O-okay first of all! Why are you so bothered by this! You have nothing to do with me anymore so you can't just come out here from nowhere and start punching Clyde"! Tweek tried defending him and Clyde but soon felt guilty because Craig seemed hurt now

Honestly, I am just here standing witnessing all these unravel in front of me. This is so messed up even I don't know what to do. Butters and Kenny seem so busy these past few days so I am stuck with these three having love quarrels. This is sort of interesting though

"Jealous aren't you Craig"? Clyde started with that same smirk on his face

Tweek seemed confused

"You are such a fucking prick is this all you do all day? Ruin people's life"? Craig said in anger

"I don't ruin people's lives Craig For fuck sake you ruined your own life for going out with that bitch and to hell, these past few days was fine and dandy until you showed up today"!

Now they were both just yelling at each other's faces and I went over to Tweek who seemed panicky, I placed a hand on his back 

"Are you okay Tweek"? I asked him in concern

"I just want them to stop" Tweek curdled in me and seemed as if he was about to cry

I pulled Tweek aside a few feet from them and he began to speak

"There is a misunderstanding here Token, I didn't kiss him because I liked him"

"What do you mean"? I asked

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