kindergarten Day 2

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Hey, guys welcome back thanks so much of your support once again go follow bakingqueen2018 and all my other readers if you haven't already! Hope you are enjoying this fanfiction! Oh and Sarah Iḿ sorry that your character is a little well...youĺl see.

¨Good morning Ms.Peggy.¨Philip said trying to be nice because his mother thought he was ¨struggling¨she doesn't want her sister to fail her son, classic Eliza 

¨And I am here to, you should say hi to your cuz that's called being polite.¨Sarah said standing between the two of them flipping her hair

¨Thought you were sick.¨Philip said sadly not really wanting her to be here

¨Well I am much better now.¨ She adds flipping her hair and smirking

¨I forced her to come she said she was sick but she seemed fine.¨ Ms.Peggy said nicely

¨Well I am here now and I would never miss a chance the be the center of... I mean get a good education cuz .¨

¨That sounds just like you.¨ Philip said sarcastically turning back to his seat next to Theo

¨Okay class,¨ Ms.Peggy starts telling the class todayś agenda and then mentions Sarah because she hasn't been here all week, who takes this time to make everyone clap while she bows over and over, 

¨Well, class looks like we are reading a story! Who wants to sit in the rocking chair?¨ asks Ms.Peggy

Chorus's of me fill the air 

As Ms.Peggy calls on...

Itś a shocker Sarah.

¨This is a rip-off .¨ I whisper to Theo 

¨I know right she wants to be the best no doubt on that one I so not going to her party tomorrow.¨ Theo whispers back

¨Wait she is having a party and didn't invite her cousin.¨ Philip said grumpily taking a seat on the red rug 

 ¨Lets all gather around to listen to the story called, The birds fly home on the red rug in the center of the room. ¨ Mrs. Peggy said in her nice calm reading a story voice.


¨That story was so good.¨ Philip said to Liam walking back to his seat

¨What are you a baby? That story was so pre K.¨ Liam said sitting down at his table

                                                            Time skip to Lunch

¨Hey, let's eat at the roundtable today. ¨ Philip said thinking only the cool kids get to sit there

¨Yeah I agree with you.¨ Theo said excitedly who always agrees with Philip

Everyone agrees with the two of them, picks their seats, and begins to eat their lunch.

                                        Time skip to recess 

¨Charge!!!! ¨Philip yells running to the last swing leaving his friends in the dust

¨Lets go play hide and seek.¨  says Ava

¨But...but...¨ stammers Philip

¨Come on let's go play.¨ says Theo sweetly, solemnly hugging Philip.

¨ Okay fine.¨ Philip shrugs, always saying yes to whatever Theo wants him to do

¨Quick go hide Philip¨ Liam whispered from in a bush right behind him

¨Ready or not here I come... ¨ Sarah screams perkily

¨Found you Ava.¨ says Sarah finding the girl hiding under the jungle gym and Mimi and Emma also

Äfter fiding everyone...well, almost everyone, Sarah calls

¨Game over Liam won.¨

¨Yes!"Liam shouts, popping up out of the bush

¨Hey you forgot me¨ Philip said with his hands crossed on his chest very angry at his cousin jumping up from the tree he was hiding behind

¨Ooops...guess I forgot.¨ says Sarah innocently, flips her hair, winks, and walks away all of the other kids follow behind her smiling and laughing, even Theo

¨URGGGHHH!"Philip shouts

¨Everyone recess is over!¨ Ms.Peggy calls happily because no one got hurt today 

¨Was lunch good everyone?¨ Mrs.Peggy asked

¨Yes it was great we had so much fun, we played hide and go seek¨Sarah said sweetly and all the other kids nodded happily, all except for Philip

Philip swore that he was going to get the next recess.

                                                                 Time skip to the end of the day

¨Line up and if you see your parents come to me and make sure to raise your hand ¨ Ms.Peggy said 

Liam's hand shot straight up in the air for his mom was in front of the line waiting intently

¨Oh no!¨Liam whispered to Philip

Philip snickered

¨Sweety come to your mommy she missed you!¨ Julia said in a baby voice doing little hand motions to come into the car

¨Bye !¨Liam called out quickly, going to the white van before she could embarrass him any longer

¨Mommy can I go to the car itś to hot out.¨Sarah said with a whine in her voice and her puppy dog eyes

¨Sure surgarplum¨ Mrs.Peggy said before even thinking

¨Umm Ms.Peggy my mom is here.¨ Philip said snapping Ms.Peggy out of her train of thought

¨Go ahead, tell my favorite sister I said hi¨ She replied

¨Hey!" Ava says, ¨My mother will be hearing all about this.¨

¨Bye!¨ Philip said quickly, not wanting to see Ava switch on to her ¨war mode¨ 

Ava and Theo's hands race up at the same time 

¨Ha Ha¨They both laugh ¨Jinx¨...¨Jinx¨

¨Hey¨Theo yells just before Ava goes into the car ¨you owe me some candy tomorrow¨

¨All right bye¨Ava said waving her hand like crazy at Theo

¨Bye¨Theo said waiting for Ms.Peggy to say that itś okay to go and walk home with her dad and Apple

¨Go ahead Theo¨Mrs.Peggy said ready to go home after such a long half day of teaching

¨Hey Apple how was your day? ¨Theo asked her dog

 Ms.Peggy drives away with Sarah whining in the car about the radio and what song is on.

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