Lunch Fiasco

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Hey everyone so I am not sure if I am going to do regular updates or anything please bear with me but for now, hope y'all enjoy!

"Lunchtime class!" Mrs.Peggy announces as everyone gets in a line for lunch.

"YAY!!!" all of the kids who tried out for the play screamed because they would find out the assigned parts

Ava and Theo glare at each other while Newt and Philip do the same. They all start to march to the cafeteria. Excitement and tension buzzing through the thick school smelling air.

"Okay everyone," the lunch ladies said," The tryout board for the school play is posted, please go when your table gets called. "

"NO NO NO!" Philip screamed because their table was last today.

"So guys..." Liam shifts uncomfortably in his seat as his four friends stair each other down "How's life?"

"Great," Philip says through gritted teeth biting into an apple

"Fantastic," Ava says as she peels her orange and eats a handful of goldfish looking at Theo straight in the eyes.

"Terrific," Theo glares at Ava

"Pleasant," Newt says in his British accent making Ava take her gaze off Theo and stare at Newt dreamily.

"HAHA I WIN!" Theo shouts jumping up

"WHAT?! NO!!" Ava shouts not even knowing about the contest

"Now, if you four don't mind, I'm going to a different table, before either of you come up with another clever idea to kill eachother— or worse, get expelled." (Inspired by Hermione Granger) Liam says walking to go sit somewhere else

"He needs to sort out his priorities." Newt shakes his head

The group falls into an uneasy scilence that caused the whole cafeteria to feel the cold stillness of the moment that layed ahead. (Wicked over dramatic, I know)

"Table 5 you may now get your lunch."

"Charge," Philip yelled while going to the signup board.


                                    Troy: Philip    Understudy: Chris

                                   Gabriella: Theo  Understudy: Ava

                                  Sharpay: Sarah     Understudy: Julia

                                 Ryan: Liam      Understudy: James

                                   Chad: Newt    Understudy: Nate

                                    Taylor: Rebecca  Understudy: Nicole


"YES!!!" Philip screams, " I got Troy! Sorry dude."

"I GOT THE PART!" Theo yells "I'm gonna be a star!!!!!!"

Ava shrugs "Hey, it's cool I'm gonna be a kidz bop star anyways."

(Reference to @locker130 go check out her story!)

Philip and TheoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu