Kindergarten Part3

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Hey, hey I was bored so I decided to write! Enjoy! 

"Bye Philip," Eliza speaks

"Love ya," Philip said not really meaning it, "Okay leave now!"

"Thanks for your love," Eliza said turning to go.

"Hey, Liza can I talk to you?" Mrs. Peggy asked.

" Totally Pegs what's up?" Eliza asked thinking it concerned Philip.

"So in our class, there is a new foreign exchange student from Brittan and I was wondering  if Philip can be his buddy until he gets used to this new school?" Peggy asked.

"Yes, of course!" Eliza said more excited then she meant.

"PHILIP!" Eliza screamed across the room.

"MOM!" Philip huffed.

"Mrs.Peggy wants you to show the new student around this week and I said you would be happy to help. Right Philip?" Eliza asked and kinda commanded.

"Happy to help," Philip said because he had no choice.

"Okay, class lets get started," Mrs.Peggy said.

"Excuse me Mrs.Peggy," Principle Washington interrupts," This is your new student Newt."

"Thank you so much have a great day!" Mrs.Peggy said to Mr.Washington.

"Class meet Newt," Mrs.Peggy said.

"HI NEWT!" The entire class yells.

"Hello classmates," Newt said in a British accent.

"Newt go take your seat next to Philip, Philip please raise your hand so he can know where to go," Mrs.Peggy said.

"Hey, dude." Philip glanced over to the empty but now a taken seat.

"Bonjour," Newt said while taking his seat.

" I DO NOT SPEAK FRENCH, ME SPEAK ENGLISH!" Philip yells as if Newt was deaf.

Newt looked at Philip as if he was crazy.

                                            Time skip to lunch

"Hey Newt come sit with me at lunch," Philip said while leaving the room.

"Hey, Newt," Theo and Ava say in a lovey-dovey voice.

"Hey?" Newt said wondering why they said hey so weirdly.

"So what you get for lunch?" Philip asked.

"You mean tea time? Right." Newt asked.

"Sure dude," Philip said, "Whatever you say."

"So Newt," Theo said flirting, "You wanna meet my dog after school?"

"Sure," Newt said.

"Not gonna happen, sweetheart, he is coming to see my cat, right Newt." Ava snapped back.

"Ladies, Ladies let the man decide," Philip said, slightly annoyed by the whole situation " and Theo I thought you were my girl."

"OHHHH! Someones jealous," Liam whispered into his ear.

"Am not!" Philip retorts his face turning red as he gets back to eating his apple slices.

                                                     Time skip back to class

"Okay class for the last ten minutes if it is okay you can ask Newt questions," Mrs.Peggy said.

"I am up for it Mrs.Peggy," Newt said.

"Great," Mrs.Peggy said.

"Are you single?" Sarah asked twirling her hair.

"No I have a girlfriend Ava back in Brittin," He said.

"I could be your Ava." says the Ava from their class

"DANG!" Said like all the girls in the class murmuring about their disappointments that he is dating someone.

"So," asked Theo," Hows that relationship going, what if you just happen to break up would you be open to dating me?"

"Actually, it's going quite well, we video chat every night and we're engaged," Newt says blushing

"WHAT??!!!" a few of the girls scream

"Ladies Ladies," Philip said," Please stop Newt needs the space. If you do not get away Newt will go back to Brittan."


" Back away ladies. Liam, I need backup! All Men On Deck! All Men On Deck!" Philip yells.

"MMMMMMMRRRRRSSSSSSS.Pegggggyyyyyyyy HELP ME!" Newt yells towards nothing as all the girls from the other classes begin to swarm.

"CLASS IS OVER!" Mrs.Peggy shouts, " Leave my classroom now, class we will talk tomorrow."

"Bye Mrs.Peggy," Philip said leaving the room.

"Thank you, boys, for helping out Newt today. Mrs.Peggy told the boys as they left, "Philip tell your Mom I said hi."

"Okay thank you by  Mrs.Peggy," Philip said turning to go.

"Thanks a lot, dude, I needed the help. Who knew girls were so boy crazy, am I right?" Newt asked, a little shaken up.

"Welcome to the USA! Tomorrow I will help you out if you need anything, just let all the newbie craziness die down and wait until Theo comes running back to me," Philip says matter-of-factly

 "Are you two a thing?" Newt asked.

"I guess you could say that," Philip said blushing.

"Congrats bro, see ya tomorrow," says Newt turning to leave.

"Bye dude," Philip says, leaving to go up to his mom

You're very welcome Ava.

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