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ALIYA was talking on phone to SAURABH about how her day was and was walking on street in order to get her home, as it was 6:30 pm  in the evening, and from park it takes her 45 minutes to reach her home by walk.

It was Sunday, she offten use to spend that day either locked up in her room, overthinking on her life, or sometimes spend it on Juhu beach(sometimes Saurabh used to join her), then park that was nearby her house. She was really tensed about her project which was to be submitted by this FRIDAY, but she wasn't able to concentrate on it. She  was really fighting hard, hard with her nightmares.

Present situation: As she was talking to Saurabh on Phone, she just told him that it seems to be scary today through streets, as no streetlights were there today, maybe due to some shortage and all. Then she heard a loud sound of laughing from behind, she was really scared enough, as she wasn't that confident, she always was a weak person due to some reasons,she immediately started panicking, as soon as she got that something's wrong she immediately asked Saurabh to come there and told him the location in mere whisper's, he also said her not to end the call, which she did, She got that today she won't be able to make to run away, if she didn't did it now,she wrapped herself in courage,which she was trying really hard not to break herself, and started running as  fast as she could, while running she got tripped a little due to which her's mobile fell down, but she knew that if she would bend to pick it up, she would be caught by the goons, so she ran, as far as she could, without turning around, but then, she started to get her anxiety attacks really badly, which only worsened the situation, she started panicking a lot, all of a sudden she started screaming due to her anxiety attacks, without working hard she was sweatning and panting to no ends, her screams were really piercing. she knew that only and only now Saurabh could save her, from this brainless  goons, as she was away from the goons but not that far, now she completely turned around and saw  three goons, which were away from her but not far away, due to her anxiety attacks, she sratarted drifting to unconcioussness , she didn't wanted to give up, but her body was. She always wanted to be strong, to face every problem on her own, but wasn't able to due to her anxiety attacks, and some more reasons.

She saw a LAMBOHRGINI, which she cannot recognize while going to unconcioussness, but wasn't able to see it clearly, the owner was horning hell, she really was praying to God that let this person not be a part of that goon's team, she was praying to God to end it up as a dream, she was praying to God that whoever this mysterious person was, please let him help her, she really hated sympathy, which was a real partner of her's in her's life. She prayed to her ALLAH, to let her be safe, to let her cause no further pain that she won't be able to suffer, with that, Slowly her eyes became heavy, she fought her eyes, her senses really hard to be present and not to lose concioussness but it ended  up, ended up in giving up and she blacked out.

A/N: I'M really sorry guys for the late update, i was really busy with college and studies, i hope you guys would understand my situation, and really thanks for yours love and support ,to all my lovely readers, please surely comment and vote too, it would be a great pleasure for me to read and to know yours views, guys i really need urs support, please vote this book too, i'll surely be update soon without anyfail, thanks a lot for reading.

So now about the story, what do you guys think would happen further??? and whom do you thing would be in the lamborghini???, would that person really be a help to Aliya??? What's the reason behind the Anxiety and panic attacks to her???


Whatever you guys guess and think that's gonna happen further can express it in comments,comments would be welcomed with open-arms(except the offensive ones). 

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