Chapter 23

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"Connor, I look stupid."

"Of course you do. Plus you have that costume on," Connor smirked.

"Very funny. I still don't know why I have to wear this tree costume."

"It's weird and different. It'll get Evan's attention. Also, you do look stupid."

I rolled my eyes and adjusted my branches. It's one of those weird foamy suits that if you fall down, you'll just wiggle inside until your inevitable death. It's weird.


Evan came out of the bathroom, still drying his hair with his towel. "Whaaat- wow Jared. Just wow. Why are you dressed like that?"

I was about to explain, when the six foot human jumped onto my back and started speaking dramatically. "Evan Hansen, will you make me the happiest person in the world and-" he grabbed a ringpop "-go to the prom with me?"

"Connor get the fuck off me. You're heavy," Jared complained.

Evan's eyes lit up. "Yes!" He took the ringpop, quickly ripped it open and stuck it in his mouth. His lips are already turning blue.

Connor climbed off of me. "Oh and Jared's dressed like this because it's fun."

"Whatever, Murphy."


I rang the doorbell to Evan's house. Heidi answered and invited me in. We chatted for a minute, then Evan came into the room wearing a suit that's on the darker side of medium blue color. ((I suck at describing colors I'm sorry))

"Oh hi. Uh," he looked down, "I'll be ready in a minute, just, uh-"

"You look amazing."

Heidi giggled and helped him fix whatever he was fixing. He came back out and smiled. "Connor, you're not wearing 100% black? It's a miracle," he giggled.

It's true. My bow tie is blue like Evan's suit. Me, Evan, and Jared are going to be the "bow tie boys" as Jared calls it.

We met Jared there. His suit was green with tiny little smiley faces that just looked like pinstripes from far away. That is the most Jared thing he could wear.

They played Despacito. Of all the songs, Despacito is what they decided on. Anyway, we just chatted in the back of the giant room where the music wasn't killing our ears.




Somehow the conversation keeps changing quickly. One minute it was how we liked our steak cooked, the next it was people in our classes, the next it was how nice we looked. I got lost so fast, I kinda stopped talking. It's funny listening to them change the subject over and over.

"Hey Evan!" Zoe tapped my shoulder with the hand that wasn't in Alana's.


"Aw you look so cute! Let's take a picture of all of us. Jared, Connor, get in it!" She held up her phone and took four selfies of the five of us.

They all went back to talking and Connor held my hand. I heard laughing behind me. Of course my anxiety and paranoia made me think they're laughing at me. I brushed it off and made a joke about cats. I got it from the guys on the Emmys.

I put my head on Connor's shoulder and heard more snickering. I still think it's about me. I looked back and saw three guys and two girls staring at me. The guys were joking about something, one girl was telling them to stop, and one girl was telling the other girl to stop whining or whatever.

Are they actually laughing at me? Probably not. But probably. What are they saying?

I told Jared I was going to the bathroom because he looked at me, wondering why I wasn't having fun or something.

He followed me out. "Ev, you okay?"

"I think people are laughing at me or they don't like me. I don't know. I'm probably just making this all up."

"Laughing about what?"

"I don't know. I mean I heard it when Connor and I were holding hands. And when I moved closer. Whatever."

Connor came out and asked, "What's up?"

"Evan's just nervous about stuff."

"I just needed some air."


They both sat on the bench on either side of me and we sat there for the rest of the night. And I didn't care about anyone else in that moment.


Hehe I haven't been to a prom yet. I'm not sure what it's like but for some reason I imagined this at my middle school dance gym. Weird. And like Evan's right outside, near the bathrooms and the stairs to the PE gym. Idk.

This story is going to end soon and I'm a sad lil potato.

Sincerely, Me (Treebros - Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now