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Ok, so let me give you an idea of who I am. My actual name is Amy Cummings and I'm a Harvard graduate. I have no family left to go to, so I decided to go to California to see if I could get a job cleaning a hotel or something. I don't really know how it all happened, but here's how it started.

I was walking into the Hilton hotel to get a room for the night. The general splendor was breathe taking. I've never actually stayed in a hotel so this was an experience I'd never forget. I was standing on line when someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned there was a middle-aged woman looking straight into my eyes; looking hopeful.

"Oh," she said, a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry; I thought you were someone else."

"No problem," I said, smiling. "I seem to get that a lot. Who do I look like? Just out of curiosity."

The woman lowered her head and looked at the floor. I think I asked a way too personal question.

"You look exactly like my daughter," she replied looking back up, smiling. "She passed some months ago, but I didn't make a show out of it. I kept the funeral private so that no one knew she was gone."

Am I supposed to know who she is? She looks familiar, but I can't think of whom.

"I'm sorry," I said, touching her arm. "I'm super sorry I asked. I can really out of it sometimes."

"Not to worry," she replied, smiling wider. "I'm Michelle Rodriguez."

"Amy Cummings," I said, extending my hand. "It's pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Do you need a place for the night?" she asked. "If so you can stay with me."

Should I accept? I mean...I'm a complete stranger to these parts and I have no family. Ehh, it couldn't hurt.

"Uhh," I hesitated. "I guess so...I mean I'm waiting, but I guess I could. Thank you."

"Come along," said Michelle, taking one of my suitcases. "My car is this way."

She led me toward an elevator and pressed the parking-lot button. When we were in her car and on our way through the city, I got to thinking that I've seen Michelle somewhere before. She looked like someone who'd starred in a movie or something. When we pulled up the driveway to her house, I could see we were defiantly in the 90210 area. Her house was huge. I bet my eyes were bulging out of my head like a cartoon.

"Ok," she said, putting the car in park. "Here we are. I hope you'll be comfortable? You can stay in my daughter's old bedroom."

"Thank you," I replied. "I really do appreciate it."

Michelle smiled; she has a lovely smile. I follow her into the front door and am star struck. The front room was gorgeous! It was just like in one of those movies that have a foyer with a grand staircase leading up to the second level; exactly like it! She led me upstairs and into the first room. The walls were painted a soft shade of blue, green curtains, and there was a canopy-bed. It was my dream room.

"Now," said Michelle, setting my suitcase on the bed. "Make yourself at home. "The kitchen is down the stairs on your right. If you need anything, my room is the one to your left. I'll leave you to get comfortable."

"Thank you, Michelle," I said, grinning. "Thank you so, so much. I really appreciate it."

"It's no big deal," she replied, laughing. "You can stay however long you need. This house can get lonely and I like the company."

After she left it hit me. Michelle Rodriguez? Wasn't she on the Avatar movie? I guess I'll find out in the morning.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked around me and remembered where I had stayed the night; I was in Michelle Rodriguez's house! But did she put me in her daughter's room? Doesn't she want to keep it as it were? I rose from the bed and put the covers back in place. I open my suitcase and pull out some jeans and a T-shirt. When I'm fully dressed I go out into the hall. In front of me is a bathroom and to my left is the staircase. I turn right into a totally awesome kitchen; the kind you'd see on a home make-over shows.

"Good morning," said Michelle, sitting at the counter. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," I replied nervously. "I did, thank you. But....why did you put me in your daughter's room?"

"Because I feel as if you may need it more than I," she said, smiling. "And if you wish, you may stay as long as you need. Unless you have family waiting for you somewhere?"

"I don't have any family at all," I said, joining her. "I'm an only child. My father died when I was six and I never knew my grandparents. And to top it off, my mom and her sister died last summer; just before I was to visit them from college. I just graduated."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Michelle said, sipping her coffee. "You have a place here if you'd like. I have to be somewhere tonight, would you like to come?"


I was actually very interested in going. Who knows what we might do.

"I'm going to a movie premiere," she replied, grinning. "And then there's gonna be an 'after-party'. If you need something to where, I'm pretty sure you'll fit one of Jessica's dresses."

Jessica, that's her daughter's name? I've heard of her before.

"Ok," I said, standing up. "I'm gonna eat something. When do you plan on leaving?"

"Around ten," she replied. "I'll be upstairs looking through the closet. When you're done here come up and try some things on, ok?"


Michelle is so nice, I thought to myself. Maybe it's good that I'm here, we'll both cope together. I went to the fridge and the photos on the door caught my eye. There was a magazine cover, with a 'Guess' ad; the model looked just like me! Wait. Her daughter, Jessica, is famous too? I opened the door and looked to find something to eat; but my mind was still asking mental questions. I took an orange and a bottle of water. As soon as I finished, I went up to the room and stopped dead in the door. Michelle had pulled out, what looked like, a dozen cute dresses. She was serious.

"Ok," she said, coming out of the closet with another handful of dresses. "Come check them out. You look to be the same size, I think they'll fit."

I walked up to the bed and picked up a black, strapless dress that was about knee-length. I held it in front of me.

"I'm gonna try this one," I said, going into the bathroom.

When I had changed, I came out so that Michelle could zip me up.

"A perfect fit," she said, nodding. "And I'm going to wear a black dress too, so, great. You sure you want to come? It's just that I was supposed to go with Jessica and you look so much like her I thought you could help me out."

"Don't worry," I said, holding up my hands. "It is no problem. I'm happy to do it. Maybe I could pass as your daughter at all the events she was gonna go to?"

Michelle smiled a sincerely thankful smile. I grinned back. I wonder who's going to this premiere?

I don't know about you, but I've never actually seen a limo up close. Michelle got in and I followed. Inside there were a little TV, a cooler, and lights hanging around the roof. When we hit the highway Michelle turns to me.

"Remember," she said. "You have to pretend you're my daughter. There will be many who'll greet you who don't know she's gone and they'll be hanging with you most of the time. And there may be some who ask to dance at the party, ok?"

"Yeah," I replied, nodding. "I'll do my best."

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