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(Amy's POV)

The days that followed were long and gloomy. My doctor said that I had to stay for a while to recover, and I had a treatment coming up. So it was just convenient that I stayed for a couple weeks. But they passed by quickly and Aria stayed with me the whole time. Nick and Demi came by to visit a couple times before they left out of town. Justin had texted a few times, checking in and to let me know that everything was cool with Selena now. And as for Alex... Well, I hadn't seen him since the night of my fiasco. But every so often he'd send me a get well text with a smiley.

"I want to get out of here," I groaned as I played cards with Aria. "I'm starting to get claustrophobic in this place. I want to go home."

I meant "home" as in Michelle's home, of course. I was starting to fall out of the routine of the Jessica character, which made me feel more like myself. In a good way. I really needed to act myself for a while.

"It is kinda tight in here now," Aria agreed, putting her cards down. "Hey, I gotta know. What was it like to get ti hang out with a group of the most popular stars of now? And having Michelle Rodriguez as a mom! That's wow!"

"I kept forgeting to act like I did everyday," I replied setting my cards down as well. "The first time I acted as Jessica was at a movie premiere. And then the party afterwards. I was able to conceal my excitement, in my head for the most part. But the reporters were saying that it was alomst like I was just meeting old/new friends. Like as if I was meeting them all over again. I had an expression they named: New Jessica meeting her dream date. Or something like that."

"And who'd you after Michelle? At the premiere."

I thought about that for a moment.

"Alex," I said, surprised. "I met Alex 'first'. Did he really cry that night? When I...you know."

Aria nodded "I don't think I've ever seen someone so distraut," she replied. "And I think he cried even more while he was outside. Because when he came back in with Demi, Selena and Miley, his eyes were red. He must truly be a sensitive kind of a guy to break down like that."

I moaned. No, it was more of a whimper. I covered my face in my hands.

I didn't even accept his apology yet, I thought.

Aria pulled my hands away and just grinned. It was an annoying kind of a grin. Like she was planning to do something totally stupid.

"What's with the grin?" I asked flatly. "You look like you're up to no good."

"Well..." she replied hesitantly. "Um, if you turn around slowly, you'll get the biggest surprise of your 'Amy' life."

I was confused. I guess my face was a dead give away because Aria roled her eyes and made a turning motion with her finger for me to turn around. I stuck my tongue out at her, but turned. I gasped at the sight of the largest bouquet of red roses I had ever seen in my life, in a vase on my bedside table. Now that I was fully aware of them, I noticed their frangance as it filled me side of the room. I leaned towards them and pulled the little envelope from the center of them. It said:

To Amy:

Not Jessica, but Amy. Hope you feel better soon.

I smileda and slowly opened it. Who sent these? I pulled out the tiny card.

On the front it read: What I am without you...

I opened the card and there was nothing inside. I read the front again and again until I understood.

"Aww," Aria exclaimed reading over my shoulder. "That's....wow! I didn't know people still did that kind of message anymore. Well, Jason does with me, but none of my old friends tell me if they'd ever received something like that."

Who could have sent me RED ROSES?? I didn't think that it was Justin because he got back with Selena. Nick had a new girlfriend that he started going out with. And Alex... He was probably out of town, because he hadn't come to see me since that first night. But he was my closest possibility. I looked at Aria.

"He came and left those a little while ago," she said as if understanding my question.

"That would explain the stupid grin," I added, looking at the little card again. "Would you go see if he's still here? Please, before he leaves and it's too late. Go!"

Arai jumped up and was gone in a flash. I knew it was highly unlikely that he was still at the hospital. So I grabbed my phone and decided to text him. It was definitely Alex. Even though he wasn't interested in me, it was the thought that counted.

I wrote: Roses are red, violets are blue, you said that you were sorry, and I forgive you. Thank you for being there that night. I don't know if Aria and Jason would've gotten me help in time. And I know that you cried a lot that night. So, I'm going to repay you...somehow. I really will. Thanks again, Jessica....Amy ;)

I sent it. Hopefully it would be enough that I thanked him. But I didn't want to think anything past that thought. At least not yet anyway.

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