(Jessica's POV)

I don't know how long I was out, but I remember a distant voice saying "Jess? Jess, can you hear me?"

I can! I wanted to shout, but my throat was closed up; my body was stiff, I couldn't move. I could feel something damp touching my face. It felt so good; I wanted it to go on forever. All of a sudden the dampness stopped and I felt myself being lifted onto a soft surface. And a soft squeeze on my hand, but I couldn't get enough strength into my hand to respond.

I don't know how long my eyes were shut, but when I opened them I found myself in an unusual room. I turned toward the sun. My eyes fell on the sleeping figure of my mom. (Mind you, I've gotten so used to calling her "Mom" on public, I consider her as my mom now.) I reached out and held her hand. She looked like she had been through a war or something; she was wearing an army suit and she had red stains on her face. Her eyes fluttered open at the touch of my hand. She sat up and sighed in relief.

"Hey, sweetie," she said, kissing my forehead. "How're you feeling?"

"I feel sore all over," I replied, my voice hoarse.

"Yeah, from what Justin told me, you should feel sore."

Justin? What does Justin have to do with me in a hospital bed? I was about to sit up, but my head ached so much I had to stay in the position I was in. Michelle smiled warmly, smoothing my mess of hair.

"What did Justin tell you?" I asked, yawning.

"You're lucky he was near," she replied, sitting back in the chair. "He said that you just keeled over and didn't stir. He and Nick called an ambulance and he rode with you until I arrived here. He seemed really worried."

"When can I leave here?"

"After the doctor finishes a few more tests," Mom replied, tilting her head. "And she said you have to be bed-resting for five days at max."

I nodded, pain throbbing in my skull. As soon as I get "home" I have to call Justin and thank him. And tell him that I owe him.

(Jessica's POV)

I still can't believe what the doctor told me. Before leaving the hospital, the doctor who attended me said she had some bad news, but that it was important that I knew.


"You have a very rare case," she said, shaking her head. "Not only do you have asthma and diabetes type A, but you also have leukemia. Never in my years as a doctor have I seen such a case."

My eyes filled with tears and I hid my face in 'Mom's' arm. She caressed my hair.

"How bad is it?" she asked the doc.

"She is actually very lucky," replied Doc. "We caught it in the beginning of the process. I do believe we can stop it, but I'd like to try a particular method unknown to anyone."

(memory gone)

The method the doctor wanted to try was a relaxing technique that would increase my respiratory system and keep me active. Mom thought it was a good idea and I was up for anything. Now I know the reason my body was acting so weird.

I was sitting on my bed watching TV when my phone rang.

Oh oh ohh whoa oh oh ooh whoa (and I pray-ay-ay)

I just can't sleep tonight

Knowing that things ain't right

Justin. I answered it.

"Hello," I said my voice still scratchy.

"Jess," said Justin, relieved. "I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you. How you feeling?"

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