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(Justin's POV)

Demi had called me around ten with the news about Jessica. But that she was gonna be alright. At first I thought I was gonna breakdown because I wasn't the one with her when it happened. But then I felt kinda relieved that it hadn't been me. I had been the one to get Jess to the hospital, a third time; it would bring up a whole bunch of crap. Not just with the press, paparazzi, fans and whatnot, but Selena would go overboard.

So I decided to wait for morning before going to see Jessica. She had texted me around three a.m. saying that she needed to talk with me as soon as she was out of the hospital.

"I'll be seeing you before then," I said to myself as I lay in my bed.

I hadn't changed out of my jeans, but I had to take off my shirt. I felt an odd temperature balance; it was too hot with my shirt on but my legs were cold. And I just wasn't tired enough to sleep. My mind was jumping from one thought to the next. and every now and then an image of Jessica's face would appear in my head. It would hold my attention, then it slowly warped into Selena's face. But why? I could figure it out.

I had shut my eyes only for a minute, but when I opened them again the sun was just coming up. Immediately I jumped up, pulled on a shirt and and sneakers andwas out the door. When I got to the hospital I put on my jacket and pulled my hood down over my face so that it was in a shadow.

"Which room is Jessica Rodriguez staying in?" I asked the receptionist.

"She may not be awake yet," was the reply. "But if you go through those doors, her room is down the hall, last door on the right."

"Thank you."

I followed the instructions and entered the room. I tip-toed past each empty bed; I don't why, I just did. When I came to the last bed there was a wall devider. I peered around it slowly. First I saw Michelle sleeping upright in a chair near the wall. On a chair next to her was some guy, who was holding the hand of a girl who was sleeping next to Jess. Jessica turned her head just in time to meet my gaze. I put a finger to my lips.

"Ssh," i whispered, sitting on the bed next to her. "Demi called and told me what happened. How're you feeling?"

"I've had better days," she replied, her voice a little raspy.

"Who are they?"

Jessica looked to her right at the girl, then at the boy. A soft smile spreaded across her face.

"My friends," she whispered, looking back to me. "Friends from before I met you. Before the night at the premiere when you tried to kiss me."

This puzzled me. I knew before that night too, I thought.

"I don't really understand," I said scooting a little closer. "I've known you before that night too. Longer even."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Jessica sat up against her pillows. "You don't really know me. Will you listen to what....what I have to say?"

I hesitated at first, but I nodded and exhaled slowly. She took a deep breath too, before, going on.

"I'm not the real Jessica Rodriguez; I'm not evn related to her in any way," she explained, looking down at her hands. "The real Jessica died a while back. Michelle was still getting over her death when she bumped into me at a hotel where I was planning to get a job as a maid. She thought I was Jessica. We got into talking and then she offered me a place to stay for the night after I told her why I was really there. I had just finished college and I didnt have anyone to go home to. My dad had died when I was seven and my mom had died in a car accident when I was just staring college. Anyway, I stayed with Michelle the night, the next morning she she asked me if I'd be willing to fill in for her daughter at the premiere. And since it went so well that night, I had my name changed legally. I've been acting as Jessica Rodriguez," she paused to look at me.

i couldn't meet her eye. I almost felt ashamed, either because of my behavior or because she wasn't who I thought she was. She waited. I nodded as I looked down at the floor, willing to let her go on. I actually appreciated the fact that Jessica was telling me, whatever she was telling me.

"My real name is Amy Cummings," she continued, in a low voice. "When I took on being 'Jessica' I tried to keep everything as it was the way she left it. That's why I had kept a distance from you, even though I didn't know her real intentions towards you. When we.... you know, did it, it wasn't just Jessica giving in. It was sort of a mix between a Justin fan, getting her wildest dreams, and another girl trying to keep to the things as they were, but she wanted a taste of....whatever. And, yeah, we were both hurting in a way...."

Her voice trailed off. I was still looking at the floor' I kind of had an idea of where she was headed with this conversation. I inhaled deeply the released it.

"You know what else?" she asked; I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Since I'm older than you-you being seventeen and all- you couldv'e placed a restraining order on me. I'm twenty my birthday is in a couple weeks. Um, maybe it be better if we'd never gotten involved. Heck, Selena would treat us both with more respect and stop all of her... threats, I guess. JB, please understand that I don't mean to hurt all over again. I guess I just need some time to be just Amy for a while. You know, think over everything I've done as Jessica and see if I can patch it back up."

I took another deep breath and looked up at her. There was such sincerity in her eyes, at the same time it was really hard for her to say what she was saying. I could see that she alomst didnt want to do it either, like she was about to forget the whole thing. I sighed and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.

"Maybe," I said as I stood up. "Maybe if I get on my knees and beg, Selena will take me back. Gladly too. Listen i really appreciate the fact that you want to patch things up. Yeah, I guess it really isn't your life to goof around with and...I thinks that's one quality that Jessica never really had. Well, I guess I'll see you around?"

She smiled and nodded as she settled back down in the bed under the covers.

"Take care," she said.

"You too," I replied returning the smile and left.

When I got into my car I thought I was about to breakdown. But I didnt, to my surprise. i actually felt kind of relieved. Than a thought dawned on me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Selena's number.

"Hello," she said when she picked up.

"Can we talk?" I asked turning on the car. "I'm on my way over."


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