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(Amy's POV)

I knew what happened to Justin...... Not that I needed to be worrying too much because I knew that he'd be fine. I pulled my pillow over my face; I'd just gotten back from my first treatment and I was exhausted.

"I'm bored," I groaned.

Then I got an idea of what I could do. I got off my bed and went into my closet. I pulled out my old back-pack and pulled out my old, old, old computer. I was gonna try to see if I could talk with some of my peeps from school. I settled on my bed and powered up. Pulling up an internet page I open my extremely old Facebook page.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "I have a lot I don't know about."

I scrolled down and found that my room-mate, Aria Spencer, was engaged and was planning on coming to LA! All of a sudden I got an IM from her.

Hey girl!!! Long time no speak! ;)

Yeah, I know!!! Congrats on the engagement.

Thanks, what have you been up to?

First let me ask you, how long are you gonna be in LA?

A week or two. Why?

We should get together, I live here.

Hold up! Give me a ring right now!!!

I laughed as I pulled my cell out of my pocket and dialed her number.

"Omigosh!!!" she shouted. "You live in LA?! That is so awesome! So, like, have you met anybody yet?"

"I'm not so much into talking about that," I replied. "But I have met a few. But do tell me, can we hang? I haven't been doing much due to my health."

"Are you ok? Are you, like, so sick that you can't buzz me on what you've been doing?"

I laughed; I should've kept in touch with her.

"I'm sorry," I said. "But I just got my computer out for the first time since I've been here. I'd gotten a new one, plus I have this new number. So, is your beau gonna be coming with you?"

"Ha-ha, yeah Jason's coming with me. You met him; Jason Montgomery from the football team?"

"No way, quarter-back Jason? Wow."

"Yeah, we started to go out right after graduation. Ok, where can we meet? I'm gonna be there around nine o'clock tonight..... We're driving there."

"Tomorrow," I replied. "Let's meet at the Starbucks."

I turned my head and saw my mom enter the room. She sat on the bed next to me.

"Sounds great, see ya then?"

"Kay bye."

I hung up "What's up?" I asked turning to look at my mom.

"I came to see how you're putting up," she replied, rubbing my arm. "Who were you just talking to?"

"My old room-mate; I was going back to the 'Amy life'."

"Cool, uh, Justin called. He told me to tell you 'not to worry' and that he'll see you soon."

I nodded but I didn't give any hint that I was going to worry. It's probably that someone is trying to pull a prank on me.

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