(Justin's POV)

I woke up and looked around the unknown room. As I gathered my thoughts, I finally realized what happened. But I didn't feel like I committed a crime. I felt extremely good, no I felt amazing. I looked at Jessica's sleeping figure and smiled. I've never felt this way about anyone before; not even with Selena. Great, I thought to myself. If Jessica and I were to bump into each other at a party, everyone would know we slept together. And to top it off, we didn't use protection. I'll be in for it with Michelle for sure.

I rolled over slightly so that I was facing Jessica. She moved, but stayed asleep. She looked so peaceful; I didn't want to wake her. I looked at the clock on the table behind her. It was only seven. I looked at the window; it was slightly dark, but the sun was rising. I sighed and closed my eyes. I think I could catch a few more Z's before Jess wakes up, I thought as I drifted back to sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Jessica had her head on my bare chest. She was looking at me, smiling.

"Morning," I said, putting my hand on her back. "How'd you sleep?"

"Ok," she replied yawning. "No one can know about this."

I winked at her and she smiled. I rose onto my elbow and kissed her big lips. If it weren't for the fact that she was expecting Alex over later, I'd never do what I did.

"Alex will be here," I said when I pulled away. "And we don't want him to suspect that I was here all night."

Jessica frowned. I gave her my crooked grin and slowly rose from the bed. I slipped into my jeans and put on my shirt. I shot Jess a glance. She had her face in her hands. I knelt beside the bed and cupped her face in my hands and kissed her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm in for it," was all she said. And she didn't need to explain what she meant; I understood completely. What do we do? I thought to myself. She's such an amazing girl there is no way I'm gonna let her slip through my fingers. And I'm gonna try to take some of the blame if trouble comes.

(Jessica's POV)

I still couldn't believe I slept with Justin. And to top it off, Alex was coming over and my mom is out of town filming one of her movies. Even though I'm technically not her daughter, I still have to respect the fact that she is letting me stay with her and follow the same rules she had set with the 'real Jessica'. While Justin was in the shower, I called Mom and asked her a few questions concerning a few details about "ME". And to my surprise, Jessica is my same age, she was born on the same date as me, and she has my same habits! This means I can pull off being her without any differences at all. I lay on my bed going over my spectacular night in my head. I replayed every touch, every kiss. I had goose-bumps just thinking about it. I was jolted back to reality when the door opened. I lifted my head to see Justin come in wearing fresh clothes with wet hair.

"You look refreshed," he said, shaking his hand through his hair. "Did you shower too?"

"No," I replied smiling. "I'm going to take one now though. Why don't you go downstairs, eat something and wait for Alex to come. And try to think of an alibi for the reason why you're here 'again'."

He nodded kissed me briefly and left the room. I sighed, gathered some clean clothes and went to the bathroom.

When I came down the stairs to the kitchen, I found Justin talking to Alex.

"Hey," I said casually. "Long time no see, Alex. How're you doing?"

"I'm good," he replied narrowing his eyes at me. "I can see that what Justin said is true; you do look thinner. You must've been pretty sick, huh?"

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