I Hated School

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I could hear the soft pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the window. It was a calming sound when I was in a place I hated. I closed my eyes, listening carefully and blocking out everything else. I could already feel the anxiety and stress of the day fading away. "Miss Carla, would you mind answering the question?" my teacher's voice cut through the rain. I opened my eyes, to see her standing at the front of the room looking back at me. In fact, the whole class was looking at me and suddenly, all the stress and anxiety came back. "You do know what the question is, correct?" I slowly shook my head 'no' as I began to shake slightly. She rolled her eyes and pointed to another student who answered perfectly. "Maybe try paying attention next time," she said looking back at me. I pulled my hair in front of half of my face and did my best to hold my tears back. I hated school.

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