Werewolves In The Hall

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Suddenly, there was a huge crashing sound coming from down the hall. I began to walk down the small hallway, towards the locker rooms. When I was about halfway there, the door to the boys' locker room came crashing down. There was a boy sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. It looked as though he had fallen through the door.

His hair was in his face and his lip was bleeding. Well, it was bleeding. In a matter of moments, his lip had healed. He stood up just as another boy walked through the doorway. This second boy was different. He had claws and sharp, pointed teeth. He made a roar like sound that caused me to drop my books.

Both of the boys turned to face me. The second boy's claws and fangs disappeared as he exchanged a worried look with the first boy.

The second boy stalked towards me. I was too afraid to move. "You saw nothing, understand?" he growled at me. I nodded my head. "Say it," he demanded.
"I saw nothing."

This is taken from another story I am working on called My Fake Boyfriend. I'm still working on it but I will be posting the first chapter soon!

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