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His words were soft, yet some how, cold at the same time. He was always so confusing, that's why I left in the first place. I couldn't stand it. He always acted like he was fine, like everything was fine, when he was actually breaking. He wasn't happy, he never would be, and it hurt to know someone I loved was in so much pain.

I had moved on by now, found someone new, and now he just showed up again.

"I'm sorry." The words came out so simply, but looked like they hurt. It was a lie, it was always a lie. Just another face he put on to make me feel better.

"Just, leave me alone, please," I said, soft and hesitant, as tears threatened to run down my face. For a minute, his walls broke down, I could see his sadness, his hurt, but the worst part, was how quickly he built them back up.

My heart ached for him, and I knew it shouldn't. I broke away from his gaze and turned my back to him, walking away as fast as possible

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