Chapter 31: Picking up the Trail

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You saw a collection of Atlas soldiers in the town centre. "Thought you might need help, sir." you say to one of them.
"You don't know the half of it," he scoffed, "Never seen anything like this Devil's Breath stuff. Forensics in having a hell of a time."
News report says this was where Otto released Devil's Breath, you think, Might've left some residue that I can track.
You engage your suit, and isolate the residue of Devil's Breath and find Otto's lair. You enter it, flip on the lights, and are baffled at the sight. All around are plans for Rhino, Martin Li, Electro, Scorpion, and Vulture. You pick up a recording device, and hear Otto talking, "I feel like I can't turn around without seeing his face. He smiles for the camera, collects his accolades, and keeps his boot heel pressed against my neck. Why can't anyone else see how selfish he is? How reckless? How... evil? If only they could be made to see the Norman I know... The man behind the mask...  Oscorp has snaked itself through the city - power, communication, public safety. Norman made his company essential-- but also fragile. If a disaster were to occur, and a few small pressure points were tweaked... It would all fall apart. The public would see Norman for what he is: a leech on their lives. Yes... Just a few simple steps, and he will be ruined forever."

The recording continued, "How many men would I need? Well, let's see... First: some kind of disaster. A hurricane, an earthquake, or... a plague. Next: assaults on Oscorp's power grid and emergency relief. Send the city into chaos. Let the people see the truth about Norman. Yes... Just a handful of men. No more than a half dozen. A Sinister Six... Martin Li has been arrested. Norman looks pleased. Believe's he's safe. He has no idea: he just put all the rotten eggs a man might need into a single basket. With Martin in the Circle... Alongside Scorpion, Rhino, Vulture and Electro... A single swift kick is all it would take to send those eggs tumbling own the hill. Straight as Oscorp... and Norman. Yes... Just one small kick... I think it's time for me to lace up my boots and climb the hill," he now sounded a bit guilty, "Y/N... If you're listening to this... Please know that I did what I thought was just. It may have been extreme, but when it comes to Norman, half-measures will never do. Of all that I risk taking this next step, the loss of our friendship will pain me the most. I hope that if we meet again... It will not be on opposite sides."
Otto's rage is driving him,
you think, The neural interface is exacerbating it, but his hate is genuine. He'll destroy both Vale AND Atlas to hurt Norman.

You then see a map on the wall, various locations labelled. Otto's tasked the villains to destroy Oscorp holdings throughout Vale and Atlas, you think, He's trying to take apart Norman's empire piece by piece.
You then saw a part labelled 'ICARUS,' and saw what it was: Li had been tasked to secure the Devil's Breath antiserum.
"Hello, Spider Man." you heard.
You turned and saw several intercom systems."We've never been properly introduced," the voice continued, "I'm--"
"Otto Octavius," you interrupt him, "... There is no 'Icarus,' is there?"
"No," he said, "Martin needs no assistance to secure the antiserum. 'Icarus' was a ruse to get you into position."
"Into position...?" you turn to see crates opening, and they contain C-4, ready to blow.
You quickly jump out the way you came in, only to be scooped up by Vulture. "Need a lift?" he asked, "So refreshing to work for a man like Octavius! Backup plans for his backup plans!"
He flies you around the city, until you reach a generator factory, where Electro is waiting for the both of you.

"Trap failed?" Electro asked.
"Softened him up," Vulture said, "Time for Plan B."
Electro smiled. As they both rushed at you, you dodged and swung around. "Teamwork's beautiful, ain't it?" Electro asked, "Helping you reach those unattainable goals - Like killing Spider Man!"
"That was almost heart-warming, Electro," you taunt him, "You really grew in prison, didn't you?"
"V!" Electro yelled, "You're up!"
"Yo, Adrian," you tried to sound like Electro, "It's me, Spider Man!"
"What are you babbling about?" he demanded.
"Nobody ever gets my jokes." you grumble.
"Our long feud ends tonight, insect!" Vulture yelled, swooping down at you.
"Feud?" you ask, grabbing onto Vulture's wings, "Thought we had a healthy give-and-take. Man have I misread this relationship!"
"SPIDER MAN!" Electro yelled, preparing a bolt of lightning, "I MUST BREAK YOU!"
"YOU GOT IT!" you yelled in pleasure, "You got my joke! I'm so happy I could  stop fighting! NOT!"

"Gotta be honest," you said as the battle continued, "Life was better when you two were loners."
"Amazing what the power of teamwork can achieve, ain't it?" Electro asked.
"The vigour of youth," Vulture listed, "The wisdom of experience. A fine pairing."
"Just like oil and water," you joke, "Sure!"
Eventually, you ground Vulture, leaving only Electro. "You might have got the old man," Electro said, "But I'M gonna get YOU!"
"Confidence," you comment, "I like it. Unreasonable, unjustified. But still confident. Good on you."
Eventually, you web Electro to the floor, and take his earpiece. "What's happening?" Otto asked.
"Electro's been grounded." you say.
"Spider Man, I presume?" Otto asked, "If you really cared about Vale and Atlas, you'd be helping me expose Osborn for the criminal he is!"
"By killing innocent people?" you ask.
"I would've restored the power!"
"You're sick. You need help."
"I have all the help I need. And we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves!"
He hung up, and you swung away as Atlas soldiers apprehended Electro and Vulture.

The Rose and the Webhead: Male Spider Man Reader X RWBY RubyWhere stories live. Discover now