Chapter 18

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" the head, the simpler the programming is the more obedient the robot is, but it also means more commands without question " he smirked slightly

I nodded and did as he suggested, watch out rodents, when you see me next I'll be unstoppable!!

" I can't believe you wanted to do this " I heard Dark say as I walked through the black Abbess

" oh shut up Dark and deal with it " I growled at him, I heard him huff in annoyance and I chuckled slightly

" what are you doing here?" I heard a growl in front of me and I saw my darkest form.....Demon.....

" I need a favour " I stayed calmly, but he chuckled as he tasted my fear

" why me of all of your forms " he chuckled as he tried to step towards me, but the clinks of chains followed him and pulled him back as he tried to grab me

" only you can do it for me, you can have the same privileges as the rest of them if you do this and follow the rules, or you can rot her for eternity " I smiled, an innocent yet creepy smile, they all know not to get me mad, especially when none of them are in control

He shivered as he looked at me, he growled but didn't object

" Fine! So what is it you want?" He asked, the chains around him slowly disappeared to nothing

" to draw blood, Obsidians blood to be exact " I said with a blank expression and he blinked before smirking

" how do you know he's out?" He chuckled as he walked around me

" EXE, he followed Ivo's trail and reported that Obsidian was free " I replied as I watched him

" this will be fun " he chuckled and I rolled my eyes

" I'll tell you when, but I expect you not to hurt anyone else, only Obsidian, I know you won't be able to kill him, just weaken him " I stayed with a glare, he sighed and nodded, within moments I was in front of Elroy Robotnik, once again flesh and blood

" Elroy " " Prince Maurice "

To Be Continued

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