Chapter 22

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" let's not argue and just share it " he chuckled, I rolled my eyes and nodded

I then walked to the controls and started the engine, next stop mobitropiles!
{????'s Pov}

I sit on the cold stone cell, iron chains on my wrists, my ankles, my neck, what had become of my wife and daughter?

How long have I been down here? I had lost count a long time ago, at one point the guards had stopped coming down, I've been left in darkness, the other criminals in the dungeon had rotted away and faded to dust

Sonia had stopped coming at some point, did she forget me? Did Knuckles? Cyrus? Or are they all gone? Nothing but dust, am I trapped here forever? What exactly did I do wrong? Why did the blade shatter?

I sat her thinking, I never ate, I never drank and yet I'm still alive or am I dead? Is this just some stupid dream? And I'll wake up in the sewers, 6 again?

Have I even met Mia and had a beautiful little girl named Lilith? Did I never meet Maurice or Sonia? Defeated Robotnik? Defeated Obsidian?

Am I just a thief? A mutt in the sewers? A pest? No Manic stop thinking like that, your just slowly going insane! Yeah that's it, your going insane because you've been stuck in this dungeon with no light, no food, no water, no one to talk to

Who am I kidding? I'm alone...

{Sonic's Pov}

Jet slowly came to a holt above the city, he had gotten lost a few hours before because the city had been renamed Chaos City

I looked down and I couldn't take my eyes off it, the city looked as it did over four thousand years ago, slums everywhere, I could see some of the city had been repaired, but it looked as if it had been done in my sisters rule...

" here, you can borrow my spare board " Jet said as he offered me his board, I nodded with a grateful smile

Soon we were zooming above the city and down towards the streets, when we landed everyone looked at us in awe and fear, I couldn't stop looking at the condition everything was in, buildings were falling apart and people were sick

Whoever was ruling was doing a horrible job at it, I felt a tug on my hand, I looked down and saw a small girl looking at me in wonder, I crouched down to her level

" is there something I can help you with miss?" I asked with a smile

" my mummy needs help, she's sick a-and the doctors are too expensive " tears were in her eyes now as she frowned at me

" can you show me where she is?" I asked, even though this isn't my time anymore these were still my people, she nodded and pulled me towards a house with a broken roof

The others weren't following, but I knew I'd see them at the palace soon, I heard coughing from one of the rooms, the little girl pulled me towards the sound

" mummy, someone's here to help " the little girl said as she let go of my hand and rushed over to a older looking woman, her mother, she was laying on a broken bed coughing

When she calmed she pet her daughter on the head softly

" please help her " the little girl begged, I nodded and kneeled down besides the woman and put my hands on her chest, my hands glowed a soft blue, soon colour came back to her face and she looked healthy

The Obsidian EmeraldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora