Chapter 19

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" I'll tell you when, but I expect you not to hurt anyone else, only Obsidian, I know you won't be able to kill him, just weaken him " I stayed with a glare, he sighed and nodded, within moments I was in front of Elroy Robotnik, once again flesh and blood

" Elroy " " Prince Maurice "
{Elroy's Pov}
" and why should I help you exactly?" I hissed

" because I would gladly kill you if you didn't " Maurice said with a horrifying grin, that sent chills down my spine

" fine " I growled softly at him, I looked at the company he had

" well seems you've been busy " I laughed darkly

" what your tounge Elroy " Maurice hissed at me, I rolled my eyes

I watched Maurice walk towards a computer and enter the password, he opened a file and I saw it was about me?

" what is that?" I asked annoyed and he just smirked

" your file, I made one a few thousand years ago, along with all your family " Maurice stayed

" wait, is there one on Maria?" I looked over my shoulder and saw a red and black hedgehog had asked that question

" of course, but I think theirs something else you might like more " Maurice chuckled and everyone including me rose a brow

" what do you mean?" The hedgehog asked

" Knuckles, make sur-" " that blasted echidna is here to?!" I growled as I interrupted

" no, he married my sister, this Knuckles is one of my nephews, and as I was saying Knuckles can you make sure he doesn't cause trouble, while me and Shadow are gone " Maurice stated as he pointed to me, the red echidna, Knuckles nodded

Maurice made a portal and walked through with the red and black hedgehog and were gone, I just mumbled things under my breath

{Shadow's Pov}

We appeared on a Island full of life, untouched by anyone

" is this it?" I asked, slightly annoyed

" no " was my only answer, I rose a brow and followed him as he began to walk

After a few minutes we reached a small cottage, I heard humming inside and children laughing

I looked at Sonic and he was smiling as we walked to the front door, he knocked a few times and a small human boy answered, his eyes lit up when he saw Sonic

" Uncle Maurice!!" He laughed as he hugged Sonic

" heya champ! I need to talk with your grandmother, is she here? I have someone very special for her to meet " Sonic smiled and laughed

The boy looked over to me, I got a better look at him, he had sapphire eyes, brown hair and was wearing red shorts with a navy blue shirt, he looked back to Sonic and answered

" She's in the kitchen making lunch! Mummy and Daddy went out for a few days, so me and Mara are staying here!" The small boy chirped and brought us in

" Uncle Sonic! A small girl with blonde hair, Green eyes and was wearing a light pink dress hugged Sonic

" look at you! Your nearly taller that Marcus!" Sonic laughed as he hugged her back, the boy huffed in annoyance but started laughing as well

Sonic went to the kitchen and told me to wait with the two children, Mars and Marcus

" what's your name Mister!" Mara asked sweetly, I couldn't help but smile

" my names Shadow " I answered

Mara smiled and went to play with her brother again as I waited for Sonic on the couch

After a few minutes he came back with and older female, her hair was blonde but there was bits of grey here and there, her eyes were a sky blue colour and she was wearing a bright blue skirt and a black shirt

Sonic was grinning like a maniac and I rose a brow at him, he was carrying a tray of food

" I'll let you two talk, I take the kids outside and have lunch " he chuckled and walked out the house with Mara and Marcus

" Shadow?" I looked at the older female and saw tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips, I nodded not really understanding what's going on

" you don't recognise me do you?" She was still smiling, I rose a brow and shook my head no

She just laughed and sat next to me

" it's me, Maria " my eyes widened and tears started to fall

" that's not died on the ARK 50 years ago " tears were in my eyes as I looked at her, she just smiled and shook her head

" Maurice or Sonic as he prefers, was on the ARK that day, you were never a cure for my sickness, Sonic had offered to heal me, Grandfather made you as a thank you, because he was immortal and mostly alone, when I was shot and you were sent to earth, Sonic had found me and brought me here, he saved me, but Grandfather wasn't so lucky " Maria smiled softly at me as tears fell from both our eyes

I couldn't control myself and I hugged her, she hugged back, we both heard a chuckle and pulled apart and found Sonic grinning like a maniac again, I rolled my eyes but laughed

" Thank you Faker " I stayed with a smile

" your welcome Ultimite Life Form " he smirked and we both heard Maria, Mara and Marcus laughing

To Be Continued

Thanks for reading


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